Typical examples are colla parte instructions (such as "col Basso") or other indications intended to result in filling gaps in the score with material written elsewhere. It is recommended to capture the position of the indication itself with the attributes tstamp and staff. The area to be filled should contain space or mSpace elements. The material to be used to fill the gap can be identified by the attributes origin.tstamp, origin.tstamp2, origin.staff, and origin.layer. If origin.tstamp2 is not provided, a duration similar to that of the local omission (as encoded in the combination of tstamp and tstamp2) is assumed. Any missing @origin.* attributes are assumed to take the same values as information associated with the cpMark. For example, when only the origin.staff attribute is provided, it is assumed that the referenced part comes from a different staff in the same measure. If a different measure is provided by origin.tstamp, but no origin.staff is given, then it is assumed that the material is to be taken from the same staff.
Textual instructions are encoded as text content of the cpMark, while graphical instructions may use the altsym, facs, or extsym attributes.
<elementSpec ident="cpMark" module="MEI.edittrans">
<gloss xml:lang="en">copy/colla parte mark</gloss>
<desc xml:lang="en">A verbal or graphical indication to copy musical material
written elsewhere.</desc>
<memberOf key="att.common"/>
<memberOf key="att.facsimile"/>
<memberOf key="att.cpMark.log"/>
<memberOf key="att.cpMark.vis"/>
<memberOf key="att.cpMark.ges"/>
<memberOf key="att.cpMark.anl"/>
<memberOf key="model.controlEventLike"/>
<rng:ref name="model.textPhraseLike.limited"/>
<rng:ref name="model.editLike"/>
<rng:ref name="model.transcriptionLike"/>
<constraintSpec ident="cpMark_start-_and_end-type_attributes_required" scheme="schematron">
<sch:rule context="mei:cpMark">
<sch:assert test="@startid or @tstamp or @tstamp.ges or @tstamp.real">Must have one of the
attributes: startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges or tstamp.real</sch:assert>
<sch:assert test="@dur or @dur.ges or @endid or @tstamp2">Must have one of the attributes:
dur, dur.ges, endid, or tstamp2</sch:assert>
<egXML xml:space="preserve">
<cpMark tstamp="1" tstamp2="5m+4" staff="8" origin.tstamp="-6m+1">a. b. c. d. e. f. g.</cpMark>
<egXML xml:space="preserve">
<cpMark tstamp="1.5" tstamp2="1m+3.5" staff="9" origin.staff="8">unis:</cpMark>
<egXML xml:space="preserve">
<cpMark tstamp="2" tstamp2="2m+3.5" staff="9" origin.staff="8" dis="8" dis.place="below">in 8va</cpMark>
<remarks xml:lang="en">
<p>Typical examples are <foreign>colla parte</foreign> instructions (such as "col Basso") or
other indications intended to result in filling gaps in the score with material written
elsewhere. It is recommended to capture the position of the indication itself with
attributes <att>tstamp</att> and <att>staff</att>. The area to be filled should contain <gi scheme="MEI">space</gi> or <gi scheme="MEI">mSpace</gi> elements. The material to be used to
fill the gap can be identified by the attributes <att>origin.tstamp</att>,
<att>origin.tstamp2</att>, <att>origin.staff</att>, and <att>origin.layer</att>. If
<att>origin.tstamp2</att> is not provided, a duration similar to that of the local omission
(as encoded in the combination of <att>tstamp</att> and <att>tstamp2</att>) is assumed. Any
missing @origin.* attributes are assumed to take the same values as information associated
with the cpMark. For example, when only the <att>origin.staff</att> attribute is provided,
it is assumed that the referenced part comes from a different staff in the same measure.
a different measure is provided by <att>origin.tstamp</att>, but no <att>origin.staff</att>
is given, then it is assumed that the material is to be taken from the same staff.</p>
<p>Textual instructions are encoded as text content of the cpMark, while graphical
instructions may use the <att>altsym</att>, <att>facs</att>, or <att>extsym</att>