
Attributes that identify the layer associated with a distant feature.
origin.layer(optional)identifies the layer on which referenced notation occurs. One or more of positiveInteger.
origin.layer(optional)identifies the layer on which referenced notation occurs. One or more of positiveInteger.
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
origin.layer(optional)identifies the layer on which referenced notation occurs. One or more of positiveInteger.
Available at
cpMarkA verbal or graphical indication to copy musical material written elsewhere.
Editorial and transcriptional component declarations.
cpMarkA verbal or graphical indication to copy musical material written elsewhere.
<classSpec ident="att.origin.layerIdent" module="MEI.shared" type="atts">
<desc xml:lang="en">Attributes that identify the layer associated with a distant feature.</desc>
<attDef ident="origin.layer" usage="opt">
<desc xml:lang="en">identifies the layer on which referenced notation occurs.</desc>
<rng:data type="positiveInteger"/>