
Location of symbol relative to a staff.
Used by
These class-based attributes use data.STAFFREL.basic
att.numberPlacement/@num.placeStates where the number will be placed in relation to the notational feature.
att.cleffing.log/@clef.dis.placeRecords the direction of octave displacement to be applied to the clef.
att.fermataPresent/@fermataIndicates the attachment of a fermata to this element. If visual information about the fermata needs to be recorded, then a fermata element should be employed instead.
att.octaveDisplacement/@dis.placeRecords the direction of octave displacement.
att.tuplet.vis/@bracket.placeUsed to state where a tuplet bracket will be placed in relation to the note heads.
These other Data Types reference data.STAFFREL.basic
data.STAFFRELLocation of musical material relative to a staff.
Allowed Values
aboveAbove the staff.
belowBelow the staff.
<macroSpec ident="data.STAFFREL.basic" module="MEI" type="dt">
<desc xml:lang="en">Location of symbol relative to a staff.</desc>
<valList type="closed">
<valItem ident="above">
<desc xml:lang="en">Above the staff.</desc>
<valItem ident="below">
<desc xml:lang="en">Below the staff.</desc>