<elementSpec ident="stageDir" module="MEI.drama">
<gloss xml:lang="en">stage direction</gloss>
<desc xml:lang="en">Contains any kind of stage direction within a dramatic text or
<memberOf key="att.common"/>
<memberOf key="att.facsimile"/>
<memberOf key="att.lang"/>
<memberOf key="att.stageDir.anl"/>
<memberOf key="att.stageDir.ges"/>
<memberOf key="att.stageDir.log"/>
<memberOf key="att.stageDir.vis"/>
<memberOf key="model.stageDirLike"/>
<rng:ref name="model.textPhraseLike.limited"/>
<rng:ref name="model.editLike"/>
<rng:ref name="model.transcriptionLike"/>
<constraintSpec ident="stageDir_start-type_attributes_required" scheme="schematron">
<sch:rule context="mei:stageDir[ancestor::mei:layer or ancestor::mei:measure or ancestor::mei:staff][not(ancestor::mei:sp)]">
<sch:assert test="@startid or @tstamp or @tstamp.ges or @tstamp.real">Must have one of the
attributes: startid, tstamp, tstamp.ges or tstamp.real.</sch:assert>
<constraintSpec ident="stageDir_start-type_attributes_forbidden" scheme="schematron">
<sch:rule context="mei:stageDir[not(ancestor::mei:layer or ancestor::mei:measure or ancestor::mei:staff)
or ancestor::mei:sp]">
<sch:assert test="not(@startid or @endid or @tstamp or @tstamp2 or @tstamp.ges or @tstamp.real or @startho
or @endho or @to or @startto or @endto or @staff or @layer or @place
or @plist)">Must not have any of the attributes: startid, endid, tstamp, tstamp2, tstamp.ges,
tstamp.real, startho, endho, to, startto, endto, staff, layer, place, or
<remarks xml:lang="en">
<p>In a musical context <gi scheme="MEI">stageDir</gi> must have a start-type attribute when
it’s not a descendant of <gi scheme="MEI">sp</gi>. In a textual content <gi scheme="MEI">stageDir</gi> must NOT have any musical attributes.</p>
<remarks xml:lang="en">
<p>The model of this element is based on the <ref target="https://tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-stage.html">stage</ref> element of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI).</p>