Here you will find archived material, such as previous versions of MEI, documentation, workshop materials, posters, presentations, etc. If there is material you feel should be here and isn’t, please let us know.
Previous Versions of MEI
Workshop Materials
- Edirom Summer School, Sep. 2012 (PDF)
- AIBM Workshop, Sep. 2012 (PDF)
- MEI Summer Workshop, Aug. 2012 (PDF)
- What is XML? (PDF)
Presentations, Slides, Posters
- Kepper & Sänger, “Scholarly Editions 2.0″, IAML, June 2015 (Slides)
- Roland, “MEI at 15″, IAML, June 2015 (Slides & notes)
- Pugin, Kepper, Roland, Hartwig, & Hankinson, “Separating Presentation and Content in MEI”, ISMIR, Oct. 2012 (Poster)
- Bohl, Röwenstrunk, & Viglianti, “Supporting the Emerging Community of MEI”, Digital Humanities Conference, July 2012 (Poster)
- Richts & Kepper, “MEI, digital editing with MEI, and the Edirom”, International Musicological Society, July 2012 (Slides)
- Krabbe & Teich Geertinger, “Music Documentation in Libraries, Scholarship, and Practice”, RISM Conference, June 2012 (Paper)
- Mayhood & Roland, “Toward Electronic Music Editions”, IAML 2011 (Poster)
- Kepper, Pugin, Roland, & Viglianti, “The Music Encoding Initiative Release 2010-05″, ISMIR 2010 (Poster)
- Roland & Downie, “Recent Developments in the Music Encoding Initiative Project”, Digital Humanities Conference, 2007 (Poster)