(abbreviation) – A generic element for 1) a shortened form of a word, including an acronym or 2) a shorthand notation. | ||||||||||||||||||
Module | MEI.edittrans | |||||||||||||||||
Attributes |
Member of | ||||||||||||||||||
Contained by |
MEI.headeraccessRestrict audience byline captureMode carrierForm condition contentItem context dimensions exhibHist hand inscription language otherChar perfDuration physMedium plateNum playingSpeed price provenance soundChan specRepro sysReq term trackConfig treatHist treatSched useRestrict watermark
MEI.namesdatesaddName bloc corpName country district famName foreName genName geogFeat geogName nameLink periodName persName region roleName settlement street styleName
MEI.sharedactor addrLine annot arranger author bibl biblScope caption composer date depth desc dir distributor dynam edition editor extent funder genre head height identifier imprint label librettist lyricist name num ornam p pgFoot pgFoot2 pgHead pgHead2 publisher pubPlace recipient rend repository role roleDesc sponsor stack syl tempo textLang title width
MEI.usersymbolsanchoredText line
May contain |
MEI.cmnarpeg beam beamSpan beatRpt bend breath bTrem fermata fTrem gliss hairpin halfmRpt harpPedal measure meterSig meterSigGrp mRest mRpt mRpt2 mSpace multiRest multiRpt octave pedal reh slur tie tuplet tupletSpan
MEI.edittransabbr add choice corr cpMark damage del expan gap handShift orig reg restore sic subst supplied unclear
MEI.namesdatesbloc corpName country district geogFeat geogName periodName persName postBox postCode region settlement street styleName
MEI.sharedaccid address annot artic barLine bibl chord clef clefGrp custos date dir dot dynam identifier keySig layer lb name note num ornam pad pb phrase rend repository rest section space stack staff tempo title
MEI.usersymbolsanchoredText curve line symbol
Declaration |
Remarks |
This element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) and Encoded Archival Description (EAD) standards. |