Proper noun or noun phrase. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Module | MEI.shared | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Attributes |
Member of | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Contained by |
MEI.headeraccessRestrict application audience byline captureMode carrierForm condition contentItem context dimensions exhibHist hand inscription language otherChar perfDuration physMedium plateNum playingSpeed price provenance soundChan specRepro sysReq term trackConfig treatHist treatSched useRestrict watermark
MEI.namesdatesaddName bloc corpName country district famName foreName genName geogFeat geogName nameLink periodName persName region roleName settlement street styleName
MEI.sharedactor addrLine annot arranger author bibl biblScope caption composer creation date depth desc dir distributor dynam edition editor event eventList extent funder genre head height identifier imprint label librettist lyricist name num ornam p pgFoot pgFoot2 pgHead pgHead2 publisher pubPlace recipient rend repository respStmt role roleDesc sponsor stack syl tempo textLang title width
MEI.usersymbolsanchoredText line
May contain | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Declaration |
Remarks |
Contains the name of an entity that is difficult to tag more specifically, for example, as a corpName, geogName, persName, or title. The name element may be used in place of the more specific elements when it is not known what kind of name is being described or when a high degree of precision is not necessary. For example, the name element might be used when it is not clear whether the name "Bach" refers to a person or a geographic feature. The name element may be used for an individual, such as 'Henry VIII, King of England'; a corporate body, such as 'The Beatles'; a geographical place; an expanse of time, such as 'The Romantic Era'; or a mechanical (often generative) process. When name parts are needed, name sub-elements are recommended. The recommended values for the type attribute are: person, corporation, location, period, and process. Dates associated with the name (not necessarily the same as those pertaining to the entity described by the name) may be recorded using startdate, enddate, notbefore, notafter, and isodate attributes. The name of the list from which a controlled value is taken, such as the Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN) or Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF), and its electronically-available location may be recorded using the authority and authURI attributes. This element is modelled on an element in the Encoded Archival Description (EAD) standard. |
Constraint |
Recommended practice is to use name elements to capture sub-parts of a generic name.