
Attributes capturing information regarding responsibility for some aspect of the text's creation, transcription, editing, or encoding.
Module MEI.shared
@resp(optional)Captures information regarding responsibility for some aspect of the text's creation, transcription, editing, or encoding. Its value must point to one or more identifiers declared in the document header. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces. att.responsibility
<attDef ident="resp" usage="opt">
<desc>Captures information regarding responsibility for some aspect of the text's creation, transcription, editing, or encoding. Its value must point to one or more identifiers declared in the document header.</desc>
<datatype maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="1">
<rng:ref name="data.URI" />
<constraintSpec ident="check_respTarget" scheme="isoschematron">
<sch:rule context="@resp">
<sch:assert role="warning" test="not(normalize-space(.) eq '')">@resp attribute should have content.</sch:assert>
<sch:assert role="warning" test="every $i in tokenize(., '\s+') satisfies substring($i,2)=//mei:*[ancestor::mei:meiHead]/@xml:id">The value in @resp should correspond to the @xml:id attribute of an element within the metadata header.</sch:assert>
@resp attribute should have content.
The value in @resp should correspond to the @xml:id attribute of an element within the metadata header.
<sch:rule context="@resp">
<sch:assert role="warning" test="not(normalize-space(.) eq '')">@resp attribute should have content.</sch:assert>
<sch:assert role="warning" test="every $i in tokenize(., '\s+') satisfies substring($i,2)=//mei:*[ancestor::mei:meiHead]/@xml:id">The value in @resp should correspond to the @xml:id attribute of an element within the metadata header.</sch:assert>