Attributes shared by names.
Module MEI.shared
@authURI(optional)The web-accessible location of the controlled vocabulary from which the value is taken. Value conforms to data.URI. att.authorized
@authority(optional)A name or label associated with the controlled vocabulary from which the value is taken. Value of datatype string. att.authorized
@codedval(optional)a value that represents or identifies the element content. May serve as a primary key in a web-accessible database identified by the authURI attribute. One or more values of datatype NMTOKEN, separated by spaces. att.canonical
@enddate(optional)Contains the end point of a date range in standard ISO form. Value conforms to data.ISODATE. att.datable
@isodate(optional)Provides the value of a textual date in standard ISO form. Value conforms to data.ISODATE. att.datable
@nonfiling(optional)Holds the number of initial characters (such as those constituing an article or preposition) that should not be used for sorting a title or name. Value of datatype positiveInteger. att.filing
@notafter(optional)Contains an upper boundary for an uncertain date in standard ISO form. Value conforms to data.ISODATE. att.datable
@notbefore(optional)Contains a lower boundary, in standard ISO form, for an uncertain date. Value conforms to data.ISODATE. att.datable
@nymref(optional)Used to record a pointer to the regularized form of the name elsewhere in the document. Value conforms to data.URI.
@role(optional)Used to specify further information about the entity referenced by this name, for example, the occupation of a person or the status of a place. Use a standard value whenever possible. Value is plain text.
@startdate(optional)Contains the starting point of a date range in standard ISO form. Value conforms to data.ISODATE. att.datable
<memberOf key="att.authorized"/>
<memberOf key="att.canonical"/>
<memberOf key="att.datable"/>
<memberOf key="att.filing"/>
<attDef ident="nymref" usage="opt">
<desc>Used to record a pointer to the regularized form of the name elsewhere in the document.</desc>
<datatype maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<rng:ref name="data.URI" />
<constraintSpec ident="check_nymrefTarget" scheme="isoschematron">
<sch:rule context="@nymref">
<sch:assert role="warning" test="not(normalize-space(.) eq '')">@nymref attribute should have content.</sch:assert>
<sch:assert role="warning" test="every $i in tokenize(., '\s+') satisfies substring($i,2)=//mei:*/@xml:id">The value in @nymref should correspond to the @xml:id attribute of an element.</sch:assert>
<attDef ident="role" usage="opt">
<desc>Used to specify further information about the entity referenced by this name, for example, the occupation of a person or the status of a place. Use a standard value whenever possible.</desc>
<datatype maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
@nymref attribute should have content.
The value in @nymref should correspond to the @xml:id attribute of an element.
<sch:rule context="@nymref">
<sch:assert role="warning" test="not(normalize-space(.) eq '')">@nymref attribute should have content.</sch:assert>
<sch:assert role="warning" test="every $i in tokenize(., '\s+') satisfies substring($i,2)=//mei:*/@xml:id">The value in @nymref should correspond to the @xml:id attribute of an element.</sch:assert>