An independent stream of events on a staff. | ||||||||||||||||||
Module | MEI.shared | |||||||||||||||||
Attributes |
Member of | ||||||||||||||||||
Contained by | ||||||||||||||||||
May contain |
MEI.cmnarpeg beam beamSpan beatRpt bend breath bTrem fermata fTrem gliss hairpin halfmRpt harpPedal meterSig meterSigGrp mRest mRpt mRpt2 mSpace multiRest multiRpt octave pedal reh slur tie tuplet tupletSpan
MEI.edittransadd choice corr cpMark damage del gap handShift orig reg restore sic subst supplied unclear
MEI.sharedaccid annot artic barLine chord clef clefGrp custos dir div dot dynam keySig note ornam pad pb phrase rest sb scoreDef space staffDef tempo
MEI.usersymbolsanchoredText curve line
Declaration |
Remarks |
The term 'layer' is used instead of 'voice' in order to avoid confusion between 'voice' and 'voice leading' and 'voicing'. The def attribute may be used to create a connection with a layerDef element where logical and visual information about the layer is recorded. Alternatively, the n attribute may be used as a reference to a layerDef element with the same value in its n attribute. If neither def nor n attributes are present, then encoding order of the layers is presumed to match the encoding order of the layer definitions. |