Music Encoding Conference, Universidad de Alicante


All the scientific events of the conference have been planned to take place online between 15:00 and 21:00h (CEST) using a mixture of teleconferencing tools (Zoom), social virtual spaces (, and at least one (or more) Slack Townhall channel for asynchronous communication ( just works on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers).

Note the following schedule may change slightly. Attendees will have access to a website containing the links to the online platforms and times updated in realtime.

If you are an attendee and have not received login information, please contact the conference organizers.

Monday, 19 July 2021
Tuesday, 20 July 2021 Wednesday, 21 July 2021 Thursday, 22 July 2021
15:30-18:00 Workshop Session #1

Intro to Humdrum | Verovio | Intro to Lilypond

18:00-18:30 Break

18:30-21:00 Workshop Session #2

ODD Tutorials | Intro to MEI

21:00 Social meetings
15:00-15:40 Online platforms and on-site venue open

15:40-16:00 Opening

16:00-17:15 Keynote #1

Álvaro Torrente and Ana Llorens

The Musicology Lab: Teamwork and the Musicological Toolbox

17:15-17:45 Break

17:45-19:15 Paper presentations #1

19:15-19:45 Break: discussion of papers

19:45-20:00 Break

20:00-20:15 Poster slam
20:15-21:00 Posters

21:00 Social meetings

21:30 Dinner
15:00-15:20 Music event

El Misteri d'Elx: talk by Rubén Pacheco

15:20-15:30 Short break

15:30-16:45 Panel

16.45-17:15 Break

17.15-18:45 Paper presentations #2
18.45-19:15 Break: discussion of papers

19:15-19:30 Short Break

19:30-20:45 Keynote #2

Pip Willcox

Automatic for the People: archives and the future

20:45-21:00 Closing
14:00-15:00 Board meeting

15:00-16:00 Community meeting (open to all)

16:00-16:30 Meet the MEC2021 design team

16:30-17:30 Interest groups (IG) meetings

Metadata IG | Mensural IG

17:30-17:40 Short Break

17:40-18:40 Interest groups (IG) and other meetings

Digital Pedagogy IG | MerMEId Community

18:40-18:50 Short Break

18:50-19:50 Interest groups (IG) meetings

Neumes IG | Tablature IG

19:50-20:00 Short Break

20:00-21:00 Interest groups (IG) meetings

Linked Data IG | Analysis IG

(*) No registration is required for the meetings. Please contact your Interest Group chair for attending the meeting.

Keynote speakers

The Musicology Lab: Teamwork and the Musicological Toolbox

Álvaro Torrente
Álvaro Torrente
Professor of Music History, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and Director, Instituto Complutense de Ciencias Musicales (Spain)

Álvaro Torrente holds a degree in Musicology from the Universidad de Salamanca (1993) and a PhD from the University of Cambridge (1997). He is Professor in Music History at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Director of the Instituto Complutense de Ciencias Musicales.

His research focuses on Italian opera and Spanish vocal music of the 17th and 18th centuries. His publications include La ópera en España e Hispanoamérica (with E. Casares, 2001), Devotional music in the Iberian World (with T. Knighton, 2007), which received the Stevenson Award of the American Musicological Society (2008), and Historia de la Música en España e Hispanoamérica: La música en el siglo XVII (2016).

Álvaro is Associate Editor of The Operas of Francesco Cavalli (Bärenreiter), and his editions early operas earned the the Deustche Musikeditionpreis (2013) and have been performed at the Royal Opera House, Bayerische Staatsoper, Frankfurt Opera, Theater Basel, Teatro Real and Nederlandse Oper.

He is Principal Investigator of the project Didone. The Sources of Absolute Music: Mapping Emotions in Eighteenth-Century Italian Opera, funded by an ERC Advanced Grant.

AAna Llorens
Ana Llorens
Instituto Complutense de Ciencias Musicales (Spain)

Ana Llorens holds a PhD from University of Cambridge (2018). She is ‘Juan de la Cierva’ postdoctoral fellow and technical supervisor in the ERC project DIDONE at the Instituto Complutense de Ciencias Musicales (ICCMU). Her research focuses on the analysis of large musical corpuses, both scores and recordings. She is lecturer at the Universidad Internacional de Valencia and has made reviews for journals such as Music Theory & Analysis, Anuario Musical, Musurgia, and Musicae Scientiae. With Walter A. Clark and Á. Torrente, she is editor of the forthcoming The Cambridge History of Music and Spain.

Automatic for the People: archives and the future

Pip Willcox
Pip Willcox
Head of Research, The National Archives (UK)

Pip Willcox is Head of Research at The National Archives (UK). The National Archives carries out research across several fields including applied computer science, archival theory and practice, conservation and heritage science, and the contents of the collections. Pip’s own research is interdisciplinary, and brings together collections, technology and people. She retains a personal research interest in music technologies and AI for creativity from her time on the Fusing Audio and Semantic Technologies UK research programme.

Her current projects include Engaging Crowds and Deep Discoveries, funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council’s programme Towards a National Collection. In her previous role she founded the University of Oxford’s Centre for Digital Scholarship at the Bodleian Library, and directed the Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School.


19 July 2021, 15:30 to 18:00 PM (CEST)

Workshop 1: The Verovio ecosystem

Convenors: Laurent Pugin & Andrew Hankinson

Verovio is an open-source library for engraving MEI scores. It can be used in a wide range of programming environments, including as a JavaScript toolkit in webpages. Verovio output is in SVG, an XML vector graphic format that makes it possible to easily interact with the encoding of the music score. It is used in dozens of digital musicology projects, with applications in digital critical editions, genetic editions, early music, audio alignment, online editing, music addressability, visualisation, performance, andeven composition via artificial intelligence.

The development of Verovio is conducted in close collaboration with the MEI community and is meant to be as generic as possible. Verovio itself is a C++ codebase hosted on GitHub and around which a rich development ecosystem has been put in place over the years. This ecosystem, which is continuously increased and improved, will be the focus of the workshop.

Workshop 2: LilyPond Workshop

Convenors: Dennis Ried & Daniel Fütterer

The course will first explain the syntax and basic functions of LilyPond using simple examples that will be implemented together with the participants. Building on this, workshop participants will be introduced to more complex examples from real projects (including splitting into multiple files, grouping settings into variables, working with (orchestral) scores and vocal excerpts, working in a team and with version management). The extension OLL with scholarLy even allows the integration of critical annotations on the spot, which is a big advantage compared to working with other notation programs (usually critical annotations have to be entered separately). An introduction with first application examples will be given in this module.

The second part will be about the interfaces of LilyPond: Import from MusicXML, exportfrom MEI to LilyPond with MEILER, integration with LaTeX (glyphs and note examples in running text, larger note examples, critical report with scholarLy).

Workshop 3: Humdrum Workshop

Convenor: Craig Sapp

Presentation slides:

The workshop will start with a hands-on tutorial of the Humdrum data format, beginning with fundamentals of encoding music notation in Humdrum using the Verovio Humdrum Viewer (VHV). Participants will learn how to import MusicXML/MEI files into VHV and convert them into Humdrum data, as well as exporting Humdrum data to MEI and PDF files. A survey of graphical editing capabilities in VHV and equivalent direct textual changes to the Humdrum data will be compared. Basic data processing methods such as adding lyrics and figured bass will be presented. Encoding and working with mensural music as Humdrum data will be covered depending on the interests of the participants.

Recent updates to VHV such as the toolbar will be highlighted, including saving and loading data into persistent buffers within the web browser, searching musical content, and linking VHV to Google Spreadsheets, which increases efficiency for certain types of editing. Data processing and analysis using the filter toolbar will also be demonstrated. Batch processing and analysis of Humdrum data on the command-line will be demonstrated and compared to VHV filters.

Participants will learn how to export their digital scores as HTML files using the Humdrum Notation Plugin for online publishing. Applications of Github for managing digital scores will be discussed, with example repositories being Bach chorales and Beethoven sonatas, and how such repositories can integrate into VHV’s built-in score menu or your own websites. The remainder of the workshop will demonstrate various web interfaces to Humdrum digitals scores, including the Tasso in Music Project (github), the Josquin Research Project (github), Digital Editions of Chopin First Editions at the Fryderyk Chopin Institute, and the Polyrhythm project (github).

19 July 2021, 18:30 - 21:00 PM (CEST)

Workshop 4: Introduction to MEI

Convenors: Maristella Feustle & Perry Roland

This workshop is designed to introduce MEI to those interested in its history, current uses, and future development. No previous experience with MEI or XML is required; however, an understanding of music notation and other markup schemes, like HTML and TEI, will be helpful. For hands-on exercises, participants are encouraged to install the oXygen XML editor, which is available for free from for a limited trial period, or similar software.

Workshop 5: ODD Tutorial

Convenor: Johannes Kepper

This advanced technical workshop is aimed at members of the music encoding community who want to contribute to the development of the MEI schema. The goal is to broaden the insight into the technical dimensions of MEI, and to increase the pool of people working on its development. Familiarity with the MEI specification and some technical experience is expected (in particular, familiarity with XML and the concepts of elements, attributes, and values).

During the workshop, we will walk through the Advanced MEI Online Tutorial “Understanding ODD –A tutorial on the internal structure of MEI.” This tutorial introduces the basic concepts of the ODD (One Document Does-it-all) language in which the schema of MEI is written. We will explain the basic principles of the ODD structures found in MEI through the individual examples covered in the tutorial.

Paper presentations

#1. 20 July 2021, 17:45-19:15 (CEST)

Tools & Applications

Session chairs: Jorge Calvo-Zaragoza & Martha E. Thomae

  • Codified Spanish music heritage through Verovio: the online platforms Fondo de Música Tradicional IMF-CSIC and Books of Hispanic Polyphony IMF-CSIC
    Emilio Ros-Fábregas
    CSIC-Institución Milá y Fontanals of Research in Humanities, Barcelona, Spain
  • Alleviating the last mile of encoding: The mei-friend package for the Atom text editor
    Werner Goebl, David M. Weigl
    University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Austria
  • Building a Comprehensive Sheet Music Library Application
    Klaus Rettinghaus, Alexander Pacha
    Enote GmbH, Germany
  • Lohengrin TimeMachine: musicological multimedia made with MELD
    David Lewis (1), Kevin Page (1), Laurence Dreyfus (2)
    (1) University of Oxford e-Research Centre, UK
    (2) Faculty Of Music, University of Oxford, UK
  • Music Performance Markup: Format and Software Tools Report
    Axel Berndt
    Center of Music and Film Informatics, Germany

Panel. 21 July, 15:30-16:45 (CEST)

Session chair: Andrew Hankinson

  • Encoding Polyphony from Medieval Manuscripts Notated in Mensural Notation
    Karen Desmond (1), Laurent Pugin (2), Juliette Regimbal (3), David Rizo (4), Craig Sapp (5), Martha E. Thomae (3)
    (1) Brandeis University, United States of America
    (2) RISM Digital Center, Switzerland
    (3) McGill University, Canada
    (4) Universidad de Alicante, Instituto Superior de Enseñanzas Artísticas de la Comunidad Valenciana, Spain
    (5) Stanford University, United States of America

#2. 21 July 2021, 17:15-18:45 (CEST)

Encoding & Edition

Session chairs: Julia Flanders & Craig Sapp

  • Tools and Perspectives for a Digital Critical Edition of Fourteenth-Century Polyphonic Music
    Chiara Martignano (1), Antonio Calvia (2), Michele Epifani (2)
    (1) University of Florence, Italy
    (2) University of Pavia, Italy
  • Encoding traditional Spanish music for pedagogical purposes through MEI: challenges and opportunities
    Sara González-Gutiérrez, Javier Merchán-Sánchez-Jara, María Navarro-Cáceres
    Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
  • Encoding Genetic Processes II
    Johannes Kepper (1), Susanne Cox (2)
    (1) Beethovens Werkstatt | Universität Paderborn
    (2) Beethovens Werkstatt | Beethoven-Haus Bonn
Data, metadata, linked data

Session chairs: Sophia Dörner & Daniel Bangert

  • METAdata and metaDATA
    Dennis Ried (1), Clemens Gubsch (2)
    (1) Max-Reger-Institut Karlsruhe, Germany
    (2) Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
  • United, linked, connected – A data model for the inventory of the former Detmold Court Theatre (1825–1875), or: How library inventory history can also be told
    Kristina Richts-Matthaei, Irmlind Capelle
    Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar Detmold/Paderborn, Germany
  • Beethoven in the House: Digital Studies of Domestic Music Arrangements
    Kevin R. Page (1), Johannes Kepper (2), Christine Siegert (3), Andrew Hankinson (4), David Lewis (1)
    (1) University of Oxford, United Kingdom
    (2) Paderborn University, Germany
    (3) Beethoven-Haus Bonn, Germany
    (4) RISM Digital Center, Switzerland

Posters. 20 July 2021, 20:00-21:00 (CEST)

Session chairs: Margrethe Bue & Salome Obert

  • PROFMUS Application: Development, Status, and Future Progress
    Maria João Albuquerque (1), H. Sofia Pinto (2), José Luís Borbinha (2), Luís Filipe Santos (2), Tiago Teixeira (2)
    (1) Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Portugal
    (2) Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
  • The OpenScore Lieder Corpus
    Mark Robert Haigh Gotham (1), Peter Jonas (2)
    (1) Universität des Saarlandes, Germany
    (2) OpenScore
  • MEI meets NFDI4Culture
    Kristina Richts-Matthaei, Martin Albrecht-Hohmaier, Daniel Röwenstrunk, Andreas Münzmay
    Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar Detmold/Paderborn, Germany
  • Towards a Unified Model of Chords in Western Harmony
    Johannes Hentschel (1), Fabian C. Moss (1), Andrew McLeod (1), Markus Neuwirth (2), Martin Rohrmeier (1)
    (1) École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
    (2) Anton Bruckner University Linz, Austria
  • Visualizing Harmony using Chordal Glyphs and Color Mapping
    Justin Lind
    Stanford University, United States of America
  • Diagrammatic analysis of J.S. Bach’s The Well-Tempered Clavier fugues BWV 846-851
    Anna Maria Matuszewska (1,2), Christoph Seibert (2)
    (1) The Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
    (2) Institute for Music Informatics and Musicology, University of Music Karlsruhe, Germany
  • ODD Structures and Where to Find Them
    Johannes Kepper (1), Benjamin W. Bohl (2)
    (1) The Music Encoding Initiative | University of Paderborn
    (2) Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
  • Font Design of Psaltic (Byzantine) Notation for Greek Musical Repertories
    Nikolaos Siklafidis, Maria Alexandru
    Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Greece
  • Annotation of Medieval Music Facsimiles Using "Good Enough" OMR
    Joshua Stutter
    University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
  • Encoding Scores for Electronic Music
    Florian Zwissler, Philip Schwarzbauer, Michael Oehler
    Osnabrück University, Germany


Community meeting. 22 July 2021, 15:00 to 16:00 PM (CEST)

Annual meeting of the Music Encoding Initiative community (open to all). Includes community-related topics, announcement of upcoming MEC venue and much more.

Meet the designers. 22 July 2021, 16:00 to 16:30 PM (CEST)

Meet the graphic design team from the Escola d'Art i Superior de Disseny d'Alacant (EASDA-ISEA.CV), Spain, responsible for the MEC2021 layout: Alicia Orts, Naomi Barrachina, Luis González, Aida Cabañero, Isabel Llorca, Elías Amorós, Miguel Arnau, Esther de las Heras (coord.).