
Groups elements that contain a critical apparatus entry.
Member of
(model.appLike isn't member of any model class)
Critical apparatus component declarations.
appContains one or more alternative encodings.
Contained By
(MEI.critapp) Groups elements that contain a critical apparatus entry.
beamA container for a series of explicitly beamed events that begins and ends entirely within a measure.
chordA simultaneous sounding of two or more notes in the same layer *with the same duration*.
endingAlternative ending for a repeated passage of music; i.e., prima volta, seconda volta, etc.
graceGrpA container for a sequence of grace notes.
layerAn independent stream of events on a staff.
lemContains the lemma, or base text, of a textual variation.
ligatureA mensural notation symbol that combines two or more notes into a single sign.
measureUnit of musical time consisting of a fixed number of note values of a given type, as determined by the prevailing meter, and delimited in musical notation by bar lines.
ncSign representing a single pitched event, although the exact pitch may not be known.
ncGrpCollection of one or more neume components.
neumeSign representing one or more musical pitches.
noteA single pitched event.
oLayerA layer that contains an alternative to material in another layer.
oStaffA staff that holds an alternative passage which may be played instead of the original material.
partAn alternative visual rendition of the score from the point of view of a particular performer (or group of performers).
pgFootA running footer.
pgHeadA running header.
rdgContains a single reading within a textual variation.
refrainRecurring lyrics, especially at the end of each verse or stanza of a poem or song lyrics; a chorus.
restA non-sounding event found in the source being transcribed.
scoreFull score view of the musical content.
sectionSegment of music data.
spContains an individual speech in a performance text.
staffA group of equidistant horizontal lines on which notes are placed in order to represent pitch or a grouping element for individual 'strands' of notes, rests, etc. that may or may not actually be rendered on staff lines; that is, both diastematic and non-diastematic signs.
sylIndividual lyric syllable.
syllableNeume notation can be thought of as "neumed text". Therefore, the syllable element provides high-level organization in this repertoire.
tabGrpA group of simultaneous tab notes, comparable to a chord in CMN. Rarely, may also contain rests, as in some "German" lute tablatures.
tupletA group of notes with "irregular" (sometimes called "irrational") rhythmic values, for example, three notes in the time normally occupied by two or nine in the time of five.
verseDivision of a poem or song lyrics, sometimes having a fixed length, meter or rhyme scheme; a stanza.
voltaSung text for a specific iteration of a repeated section of music.
Common Music Notation (CMN) repertoire component declarations.
beamA container for a series of explicitly beamed events that begins and ends entirely within a measure.
graceGrpA container for a sequence of grace notes.
measureUnit of musical time consisting of a fixed number of note values of a given type, as determined by the prevailing meter, and delimited in musical notation by bar lines.
oLayerA layer that contains an alternative to material in another layer.
oStaffA staff that holds an alternative passage which may be played instead of the original material.
tupletA group of notes with "irregular" (sometimes called "irrational") rhythmic values, for example, three notes in the time normally occupied by two or nine in the time of five.
Critical apparatus component declarations.
lemContains the lemma, or base text, of a textual variation.
rdgContains a single reading within a textual variation.
Dramatic text component declarations.
spContains an individual speech in a performance text.
Lyrics component declarations.
refrainRecurring lyrics, especially at the end of each verse or stanza of a poem or song lyrics; a chorus.
verseDivision of a poem or song lyrics, sometimes having a fixed length, meter or rhyme scheme; a stanza.
voltaSung text for a specific iteration of a repeated section of music.
Mensural repertoire component declarations.
ligatureA mensural notation symbol that combines two or more notes into a single sign.
Neume repertoire component declarations.
ncSign representing a single pitched event, although the exact pitch may not be known.
ncGrpCollection of one or more neume components.
neumeSign representing one or more musical pitches.
syllableNeume notation can be thought of as "neumed text". Therefore, the syllable element provides high-level organization in this repertoire.
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
chordA simultaneous sounding of two or more notes in the same layer *with the same duration*.
endingAlternative ending for a repeated passage of music; i.e., prima volta, seconda volta, etc.
layerAn independent stream of events on a staff.
noteA single pitched event.
partAn alternative visual rendition of the score from the point of view of a particular performer (or group of performers).
pgFootA running footer.
pgHeadA running header.
restA non-sounding event found in the source being transcribed.
scoreFull score view of the musical content.
sectionSegment of music data.
staffA group of equidistant horizontal lines on which notes are placed in order to represent pitch or a grouping element for individual 'strands' of notes, rests, etc. that may or may not actually be rendered on staff lines; that is, both diastematic and non-diastematic signs.
sylIndividual lyric syllable.
Tablature component declarations.
tabGrpA group of simultaneous tab notes, comparable to a chord in CMN. Rarely, may also contain rests, as in some "German" lute tablatures.
<classSpec ident="model.appLike" module="MEI.critapp" type="model">
<desc xml:lang="en">Groups elements that contain a critical apparatus entry.</desc>