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Converter framework for MEI files

meico is a converter framework for MEI files that is being developed at the Center of Music and Film Informatics, Detmold (cemfi). It translates MEI data into a series of formats relevant to many other applications. It can be used as a Java programming framework or standalone app. For the latter case, the meicoApp provides a command line interface as well as an elaborate graphical user interface. Meico’s feature list includes

  • MEI export to MIDI, MSM, MPM, audio (WAV, MP3),
  • MIDI to audio rendering with third-party soundbanks (SF2, DLS),
  • musical performance rendering via the official Music Performance Markup API and rendering engine,
  • built-in MIDI and audio playback (perfect for proof-reading/listening),
  • Verovio integration in the graphical user interface,
  • Chroma export,
  • XSLT processing of all XML-based data formats, and
  • several MEI convenience features such as XML validation against RNG schemata, and expansion of abbreviations (copyof, sameas, expan).
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