
analog, label, meiversion, resp, translit, type, xml:base, xml:id, xml:lang
analog(optional)Contains a reference to a field or element in another descriptive encoding system to which this MEI element is comparable. Value of datatype string.
label(optional)Captures text to be used to generate a label for the element to which it's attached, a "tool tip" or prefatory text, for example. Should not be used to record document content. Value of datatype string.
meiversion(optional)Specifies a generic MEI version label. Allowed values are: "4.0.0" (First release of MEI 4), "4.0.1" (Bugfix Release 4.0.1)
resp(optional)Indicates the agent(s) responsible for some aspect of the text's transcription, editing, or encoding. Its value must point to one or more identifiers declared in the document header. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
translit(optional)Specifies the transliteration technique used. Value of datatype NMTOKEN.
type(optional)Specifies the kind of document to which the header is attached, for example whether it is a corpus or individual text. Allowed values are: "music" (Header is attached to a music document.), "corpus" (Header is attached to a corpus.), "independent" (Header is independent; i.e., not attached to either a music or a corpus document.)
xml:base(optional)Provides a base URI reference with which applications can resolve relative URI references into absolute URI references. Value conforms to data.URI.
xml:id(optional)Regularizes the naming of an element and thus facilitates building links between it and other resources. Each id attribute within a document must have a unique value. Value of datatype ID.
xml:lang(optional)Identifies the language of the element's content. The values for this attribute are language 'tags' as defined in BCP 47. All language tags that make use of private use sub-tags must be documented in a corresponding language element in the MEI header whose id attribute is the same as the language tag's value. Value of datatype language.
type(optional)Specifies the kind of document to which the header is attached, for example whether it is a corpus or individual text. Allowed values are: "music" (Header is attached to a music document.), "corpus" (Header is attached to a corpus.), "independent" (Header is independent; i.e., not attached to either a music or a corpus document.)
(MEI.shared) Attributes that form the basis of the att.common class.
xml:base(optional)Provides a base URI reference with which applications can resolve relative URI references into absolute URI references. Value conforms to data.URI.
(MEI.shared) Attributes that uniquely identify an element.
xml:id(optional)Regularizes the naming of an element and thus facilitates building links between it and other resources. Each id attribute within a document must have a unique value. Value of datatype ID.
(MEI.shared) Bibliographic attributes.
analog(optional)Contains a reference to a field or element in another descriptive encoding system to which this MEI element is comparable. Value of datatype string.
label(optional)Captures text to be used to generate a label for the element to which it's attached, a "tool tip" or prefatory text, for example. Should not be used to record document content. Value of datatype string.
(MEI.shared) Language attributes common to text elements.
xml:lang(optional)Identifies the language of the element's content. The values for this attribute are language 'tags' as defined in BCP 47. All language tags that make use of private use sub-tags must be documented in a corresponding language element in the MEI header whose id attribute is the same as the language tag's value. Value of datatype language.
translit(optional)Specifies the transliteration technique used. Value of datatype NMTOKEN.
(MEI.shared) Attributes that record the version of MEI in use.
meiversion(optional)Specifies a generic MEI version label. Allowed values are: "4.0.0" (First release of MEI 4), "4.0.1" (Bugfix Release 4.0.1)
(MEI.shared) Attributes capturing information regarding responsibility for some aspect of the text's creation, transcription, editing, or encoding.
resp(optional)Indicates the agent(s) responsible for some aspect of the text's transcription, editing, or encoding. Its value must point to one or more identifiers declared in the document header. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
Metadata header component declarations.
type(optional)Specifies the kind of document to which the header is attached, for example whether it is a corpus or individual text. Allowed values are: "music" (Header is attached to a music document.), "corpus" (Header is attached to a corpus.), "independent" (Header is independent; i.e., not attached to either a music or a corpus document.)
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
analog(optional)Contains a reference to a field or element in another descriptive encoding system to which this MEI element is comparable. Value of datatype string.
label(optional)Captures text to be used to generate a label for the element to which it's attached, a "tool tip" or prefatory text, for example. Should not be used to record document content. Value of datatype string.
meiversion(optional)Specifies a generic MEI version label. Allowed values are: "4.0.0" (First release of MEI 4), "4.0.1" (Bugfix Release 4.0.1)
resp(optional)Indicates the agent(s) responsible for some aspect of the text's transcription, editing, or encoding. Its value must point to one or more identifiers declared in the document header. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
translit(optional)Specifies the transliteration technique used. Value of datatype NMTOKEN.
xml:base(optional)Provides a base URI reference with which applications can resolve relative URI references into absolute URI references. Value conforms to data.URI.
xml:id(optional)Regularizes the naming of an element and thus facilitates building links between it and other resources. Each id attribute within a document must have a unique value. Value of datatype ID.
xml:lang(optional)Identifies the language of the element's content. The values for this attribute are language 'tags' as defined in BCP 47. All language tags that make use of private use sub-tags must be documented in a corresponding language element in the MEI header whose id attribute is the same as the language tag's value. Value of datatype language.
Member of
model.startLike.headerGroups elements that may be document elements when the header module is invoked.
Contained by
meiContains a single MEI-conformant document, consisting of an MEI header and a musical text, either in isolation or as part of an meiCorpus element.
meiCorpus(MEI corpus) – A group of related MEI documents, consisting of a header for the group, and one or more mei elements, each with its own complete header.
(MEI.header) Groups elements that may be document elements when the header module is invoked.
Corpus component declarations.
meiCorpus(MEI corpus) – A group of related MEI documents, consisting of a header for the group, and one or more mei elements, each with its own complete header.
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
meiContains a single MEI-conformant document, consisting of an MEI header and a musical text, either in isolation or as part of an meiCorpus element.
May Contain
altId(alternative identifier) – May contain a bibliographic identifier that does not fit within the meiHead element's id attribute, for example because the identifier does not fit the definition of an XML id or because multiple identifiers are needed.
encodingDesc(encoding description) – Documents the relationship between an electronic file and the source or sources from which it was derived as well as applications used in the encoding/editing process.
extMeta(extended metadata) – Provides a container element for non-MEI metadata formats.
fileDesc(file description) – Contains a full bibliographic description of the MEI file.
manifestationListA container for the descriptions of physical embodiments of an expression of a work.
revisionDesc(revision description) – Container for information about alterations that have been made to an MEI file.
workList(work list) – Grouping mechanism for information describing non-bibliographic aspects of a text.
FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) declarations.
manifestationListA container for the descriptions of physical embodiments of an expression of a work.
Metadata header component declarations.
altId(alternative identifier) – May contain a bibliographic identifier that does not fit within the meiHead element's id attribute, for example because the identifier does not fit the definition of an XML id or because multiple identifiers are needed.
encodingDesc(encoding description) – Documents the relationship between an electronic file and the source or sources from which it was derived as well as applications used in the encoding/editing process.
extMeta(extended metadata) – Provides a container element for non-MEI metadata formats.
fileDesc(file description) – Contains a full bibliographic description of the MEI file.
revisionDesc(revision description) – Container for information about alterations that have been made to an MEI file.
workList(work list) – Grouping mechanism for information describing non-bibliographic aspects of a text.

In order to encourage uniformity in the provision of metadata across document types, this element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard. This information is often essential in a machine-readable environment. Five sub-elements must be encoded in the following order: altId(optional), fileDesc(required), encodingDesc(optional), workList(optional), and revisionDesc(optional). These elements and their sub-elements provide: a unique identifier for the MEI file, bibliographic information about the MEI file and its sources, information about the encoding process, information about the creation of the work being encoded, and statements regarding significant revisions of the file. The xml:lang attribute may be used to indicate the language in which the metadata content of the header is provided.

The meiHead type attribute can have the value 'music' only when the document element is "mei".
The meiHead type attribute can have the value 'corpus' only when the document element is "meiCorpus".
The meiHead type attribute can have the value 'independent' only when the document element is "meiHead".
<sch:rule context="mei:meiHead[@type eq 'music']">
<sch:assert test="ancestor::mei:mei">The meiHead type attribute can have the value 'music' only when the document element is "mei".</sch:assert>
<sch:rule context="mei:meiHead[@type eq 'corpus']">
<sch:assert test="ancestor::mei:meiCorpus">The meiHead type attribute can have the value 'corpus' only when the document element is "meiCorpus".</sch:assert>
<sch:rule context="mei:meiHead[@type eq 'independent']">
<sch:assert test="not(ancestor::mei:*)">The meiHead type attribute can have the value 'independent' only when the document element is "meiHead".</sch:assert>
<elementSpec ident="meiHead" module="MEI.header">
<desc>(MEI header) – Supplies the descriptive and declarative metadata prefixed to every MEI-conformant text.</desc>
<memberOf key="att.basic"/>
<memberOf key="att.bibl"/>
<memberOf key="att.labelled"/>
<memberOf key="att.lang"/>
<memberOf key="att.meiVersion"/>
<memberOf key="att.responsibility"/>
<memberOf key="model.startLike.header"/>
<rng:ref name="altId" />
<rng:ref name="fileDesc" />
<rng:ref name="encodingDesc" />
<rng:ref name="workList" />
<rng:ref name="manifestationList" />
<rng:ref name="extMeta" />
<rng:ref name="revisionDesc" />
<constraintSpec ident="check_meiHead_type" scheme="schematron">
<sch:rule context="mei:meiHead[@type eq 'music']">
<sch:assert test="ancestor::mei:mei">The meiHead type attribute can have the value 'music' only when the document element is "mei".</sch:assert>
<sch:rule context="mei:meiHead[@type eq 'corpus']">
<sch:assert test="ancestor::mei:meiCorpus">The meiHead type attribute can have the value 'corpus' only when the document element is "meiCorpus".</sch:assert>
<sch:rule context="mei:meiHead[@type eq 'independent']">
<sch:assert test="not(ancestor::mei:*)">The meiHead type attribute can have the value 'independent' only when the document element is "meiHead".</sch:assert>
<attList org="group">
<attDef ident="type" usage="opt">
<desc>Specifies the kind of document to which the header is attached, for example whether it is a corpus or individual text.</desc>
<valList type="closed">
<valItem ident="music">
<desc>Header is attached to a music document.</desc>
<valItem ident="corpus">
<desc>Header is attached to a corpus.</desc>
<valItem ident="independent">
<desc>Header is independent; i.e., not attached to either a music or a corpus document.</desc>
<p part="N">In order to encourage uniformity in the provision of metadata across document types, this element is modelled on an element in the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard. This information is often essential in a machine-readable environment. Five sub-elements must be encoded in the following order:
<gi scheme="MEI">altId</gi>
<gi scheme="MEI">fileDesc</gi>
<gi scheme="MEI">encodingDesc</gi>
<gi scheme="MEI">workList</gi>
(optional), and
<gi scheme="MEI">revisionDesc</gi>
(optional). These elements and their sub-elements provide: a unique identifier for the MEI file, bibliographic information about the MEI file and its sources, information about the encoding process, information about the creation of the work being encoded, and statements regarding significant revisions of the file. The
<att scheme="TEI">xml:lang</att>
attribute may be used to indicate the language in which the metadata content of the header is provided.</p>