
Attributes that record the version of MEI in use.
meiversion(optional)Specifies a generic MEI version label. Allowed values are: "4.0.0" (First release of MEI 4), "4.0.1" (Bugfix Release 4.0.1)
meiversion(optional)Specifies a generic MEI version label. Allowed values are: "4.0.0" (First release of MEI 4), "4.0.1" (Bugfix Release 4.0.1)
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
meiversion(optional)Specifies a generic MEI version label. Allowed values are: "4.0.0" (First release of MEI 4), "4.0.1" (Bugfix Release 4.0.1)
Available at
meiContains a single MEI-conformant document, consisting of an MEI header and a musical text, either in isolation or as part of an meiCorpus element.
meiCorpus(MEI corpus) – A group of related MEI documents, consisting of a header for the group, and one or more mei elements, each with its own complete header.
meiHead(MEI header) – Supplies the descriptive and declarative metadata prefixed to every MEI-conformant text.
musicContains a single musical text of any kind, whether unitary or composite, for example, an etude, opera, song cycle, symphony, or anthology of piano solos.
meiCorpus(MEI corpus) – A group of related MEI documents, consisting of a header for the group, and one or more mei elements, each with its own complete header.
meiHead(MEI header) – Supplies the descriptive and declarative metadata prefixed to every MEI-conformant text.
meiContains a single MEI-conformant document, consisting of an MEI header and a musical text, either in isolation or as part of an meiCorpus element.
musicContains a single musical text of any kind, whether unitary or composite, for example, an etude, opera, song cycle, symphony, or anthology of piano solos.
<classSpec ident="att.meiVersion" module="MEI.shared" type="atts">
<desc>Attributes that record the version of MEI in use.</desc>
<attList org="group">
<attDef ident="meiversion" usage="opt">
<desc>Specifies a generic MEI version label.</desc>
<valList type="closed">
<valItem ident="4.0.0">
<desc>First release of MEI 4</desc>
<valItem ident="4.0.1">
<desc>Bugfix Release 4.0.1</desc>