
Attributes used to associate MEI features with corresponding glyphs in an externally-defined standard such as SMuFL.
glyph.auth,, glyph.num, glyph.uri
glyph.auth(optional)A name or label associated with the controlled vocabulary from which the value of or glyph.num is taken. Allowed values are: "smufl" (Standard Music Font Layout.) name. Value of datatype string.
glyph.num(optional)Numeric glyph reference in hexadecimal notation, e.g. "#xE000" or "U+E000". N.B. SMuFL version 1.18 uses the range U+E000 - U+ECBF. Value conforms to data.HEXNUM.
glyph.uri(optional)The web-accessible location of the controlled vocabulary from which the value of or glyph.num is taken. Value conforms to data.URI.
glyph.auth(optional)A name or label associated with the controlled vocabulary from which the value of or glyph.num is taken. Allowed values are: "smufl" (Standard Music Font Layout.) name. Value of datatype string.
glyph.num(optional)Numeric glyph reference in hexadecimal notation, e.g. "#xE000" or "U+E000". N.B. SMuFL version 1.18 uses the range U+E000 - U+ECBF. Value conforms to data.HEXNUM.
glyph.uri(optional)The web-accessible location of the controlled vocabulary from which the value of or glyph.num is taken. Value conforms to data.URI.
External symbols component declarations.
glyph.auth(optional)A name or label associated with the controlled vocabulary from which the value of or glyph.num is taken. Allowed values are: "smufl" (Standard Music Font Layout.) name. Value of datatype string.
glyph.num(optional)Numeric glyph reference in hexadecimal notation, e.g. "#xE000" or "U+E000". N.B. SMuFL version 1.18 uses the range U+E000 - U+ECBF. Value conforms to data.HEXNUM.
glyph.uri(optional)The web-accessible location of the controlled vocabulary from which the value of or glyph.num is taken. Value conforms to data.URI.
Available at
accid(accidental) – Records a temporary alteration to the pitch of a note.
arpeg(arpeggiation) – Indicates that the notes of a chord are to be performed successively rather than simultaneously, usually from lowest to highest. Sometimes called a "roll".
artic(articulation) – An indication of how to play a note or chord.
barLineVertical line drawn through one or more staves that divides musical notation into metrical units.
beatRpt(beat repeat) – An indication that material on a preceding beat should be repeated.
bracketSpanMarks a sequence of notational events grouped by a bracket.
breath(breath mark) – An indication of a point at which the performer on an instrument requiring breath (including the voice) may breathe.
caesuraBreak, pause, or interruption in the normal tempo of a composition. Typically indicated by "railroad tracks", i.e., two diagonal slashes.
chordA simultaneous sounding of two or more notes in the same layer *with the same duration*.
clefIndication of the exact location of a particular note on the staff and, therefore, the other notes as well.
cpMark(copy/colla parte mark) – A verbal or graphical indication to copy musical material written elsewhere.
custosSymbol placed at the end of a line of music to indicate the first note of the next line. Sometimes called a "direct".
dotDot of augmentation or division.
fermataAn indication placed over a note or rest to indicate that it should be held longer than its written value. May also occur over a bar line to indicate the end of a phrase or section. Sometimes called a 'hold' or 'pause'.
gliss(glissando) – A continuous or sliding movement from one pitch to another, usually indicated by a straight or wavy line.
grpSym(group symbol) – A brace or bracket used to group two or more staves of a score or part.
halfmRpt(half-measure repeat) – A half-measure repeat in any meter.
harpPedal(harp pedal) – Harp pedal diagram.
keyAccid(key accidental) – Accidental in a key signature.
mensur(mensuration) – Collects information about the metrical relationship between a note value and the next smaller value; that is, either triple or duple.
meterSig(meter signature) – Written meter signature.
mordentAn ornament indicating rapid alternation of the main note with a secondary note, usually a step below, but sometimes a step above.
mRest(measure rest) – Complete measure rest in any meter.
mRpt(measure repeat) – An indication that the previous measure should be repeated.
mRpt2(2-measure repeat) – An indication that the previous two measures should be repeated.
multiRest(multiple rest) – Multiple measures of rest compressed into a single symbol, frequently found in performer parts.
multiRpt(multiple repeat) – Multiple repeated measures.
ncSign representing a single pitched event, although the exact pitch may not be known.
neumeSign representing one or more musical pitches.
noteA single pitched event.
pedalPiano pedal mark.
proport(proportion) – Description of note duration as arithmetic ratio.
sb(system beginning) – An empty formatting element that forces musical notation to begin on a new line.
signifLetSignificantive letter(s).
symbolA reference to a previously defined symbol.
trillRapid alternation of a note with another (usually at the interval of a second above).
turnAn ornament consisting of four notes — the upper neighbor of the written note, the written note, the lower neighbor, and the written note.
arpeg(arpeggiation) – Indicates that the notes of a chord are to be performed successively rather than simultaneously, usually from lowest to highest. Sometimes called a "roll".
beatRpt(beat repeat) – An indication that material on a preceding beat should be repeated.
bracketSpanMarks a sequence of notational events grouped by a bracket.
breath(breath mark) – An indication of a point at which the performer on an instrument requiring breath (including the voice) may breathe.
fermataAn indication placed over a note or rest to indicate that it should be held longer than its written value. May also occur over a bar line to indicate the end of a phrase or section. Sometimes called a 'hold' or 'pause'.
gliss(glissando) – A continuous or sliding movement from one pitch to another, usually indicated by a straight or wavy line.
halfmRpt(half-measure repeat) – A half-measure repeat in any meter.
harpPedal(harp pedal) – Harp pedal diagram.
meterSig(meter signature) – Written meter signature.
mRest(measure rest) – Complete measure rest in any meter.
mRpt(measure repeat) – An indication that the previous measure should be repeated.
mRpt2(2-measure repeat) – An indication that the previous two measures should be repeated.
multiRest(multiple rest) – Multiple measures of rest compressed into a single symbol, frequently found in performer parts.
multiRpt(multiple repeat) – Multiple repeated measures.
pedalPiano pedal mark.
mordentAn ornament indicating rapid alternation of the main note with a secondary note, usually a step below, but sometimes a step above.
trillRapid alternation of a note with another (usually at the interval of a second above).
turnAn ornament consisting of four notes — the upper neighbor of the written note, the written note, the lower neighbor, and the written note.
cpMark(copy/colla parte mark) – A verbal or graphical indication to copy musical material written elsewhere.
mensur(mensuration) – Collects information about the metrical relationship between a note value and the next smaller value; that is, either triple or duple.
proport(proportion) – Description of note duration as arithmetic ratio.
hispanTickHispanic tick.
ncSign representing a single pitched event, although the exact pitch may not be known.
neumeSign representing one or more musical pitches.
signifLetSignificantive letter(s).
accid(accidental) – Records a temporary alteration to the pitch of a note.
artic(articulation) – An indication of how to play a note or chord.
barLineVertical line drawn through one or more staves that divides musical notation into metrical units.
caesuraBreak, pause, or interruption in the normal tempo of a composition. Typically indicated by "railroad tracks", i.e., two diagonal slashes.
chordA simultaneous sounding of two or more notes in the same layer *with the same duration*.
clefIndication of the exact location of a particular note on the staff and, therefore, the other notes as well.
custosSymbol placed at the end of a line of music to indicate the first note of the next line. Sometimes called a "direct".
dotDot of augmentation or division.
grpSym(group symbol) – A brace or bracket used to group two or more staves of a score or part.
keyAccid(key accidental) – Accidental in a key signature.
noteA single pitched event.
sb(system beginning) – An empty formatting element that forces musical notation to begin on a new line.
symbolA reference to a previously defined symbol.
Constraints attribute should have content.
SMuFL version 1.18 uses the range U+E000 - U+ECBF.
<sch:rule context="">
<sch:assert role="warning" test="not(normalize-space(.) eq '')"> attribute should have content.</sch:assert>
<sch:rule context="mei:*[@glyph.num and (lower-case(@glyph.auth) eq 'smufl' or @glyph.uri eq '')]">
<sch:assert role="warning" test="matches(normalize-space(@glyph.num), '^(#x|U\+)E([0-9AB][0-9A-F][0-9A-F]|C[0-9A][0-9A-F]|CB[0-9A-F])$')">SMuFL version 1.18 uses the range U+E000 - U+ECBF.</sch:assert>
<classSpec ident="att.extSym" module="MEI.externalsymbols" type="atts">
<desc>Attributes used to associate MEI features with corresponding glyphs in an externally-defined standard such as SMuFL.</desc>
<attList org="group">
<attDef ident="glyph.auth" usage="opt">
<desc>A name or label associated with the controlled vocabulary from which the value of
<att scheme="TEI"></att>
<att scheme="TEI">glyph.num</att>
is taken.</desc>
<datatype maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<rng:data type="NMTOKEN"/>
<valList type="semi">
<valItem ident="smufl">
<desc>Standard Music Font Layout.</desc>
<attDef ident="" usage="opt">
<desc>Glyph name.</desc>
<datatype maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<rng:data type="string"/>
<constraintSpec ident="" scheme="isoschematron">
<sch:rule context="">
<sch:assert role="warning" test="not(normalize-space(.) eq '')"> attribute should have content.</sch:assert>
<attDef ident="glyph.num" usage="opt">
<desc>Numeric glyph reference in hexadecimal notation, e.g. "#xE000" or "U+E000". N.B. SMuFL version 1.18 uses the range U+E000 - U+ECBF.</desc>
<datatype maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<rng:ref name="data.HEXNUM" />
<constraintSpec ident="check_glyph.num" scheme="isoschematron">
<sch:rule context="mei:*[@glyph.num and (lower-case(@glyph.auth) eq 'smufl' or @glyph.uri eq '')]">
<sch:assert role="warning" test="matches(normalize-space(@glyph.num), '^(#x|U\+)E([0-9AB][0-9A-F][0-9A-F]|C[0-9A][0-9A-F]|CB[0-9A-F])$')">SMuFL version 1.18 uses the range U+E000 - U+ECBF.</sch:assert>
<attDef ident="glyph.uri" usage="opt">
<desc>The web-accessible location of the controlled vocabulary from which the value of
<att scheme="TEI"></att>
<att scheme="TEI">glyph.num</att>
is taken.</desc>
<datatype maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<rng:ref name="data.URI" />