
Attributes supplying pointers to user-defined symbols.
altsym(optional)Provides a way of pointing to a user-defined symbol. It must contain a reference to an ID of a symbolDef element elsewhere in the document. Value conforms to data.URI.
altsym(optional)Provides a way of pointing to a user-defined symbol. It must contain a reference to an ID of a symbolDef element elsewhere in the document. Value conforms to data.URI.
User-defined symbols component declarations.
altsym(optional)Provides a way of pointing to a user-defined symbol. It must contain a reference to an ID of a symbolDef element elsewhere in the document. Value conforms to data.URI.
Available at
accid(accidental) – Records a temporary alteration to the pitch of a note.
arpeg(arpeggiation) – Indicates that the notes of a chord are to be performed successively rather than simultaneously, usually from lowest to highest. Sometimes called a "roll".
artic(articulation) – An indication of how to play a note or chord.
barLineVertical line drawn through one or more staves that divides musical notation into metrical units.
beatRpt(beat repeat) – An indication that material on a preceding beat should be repeated.
bracketSpanMarks a sequence of notational events grouped by a bracket.
breath(breath mark) – An indication of a point at which the performer on an instrument requiring breath (including the voice) may breathe.
caesuraBreak, pause, or interruption in the normal tempo of a composition. Typically indicated by "railroad tracks", i.e., two diagonal slashes.
chordA simultaneous sounding of two or more notes in the same layer *with the same duration*.
clefIndication of the exact location of a particular note on the staff and, therefore, the other notes as well.
cpMark(copy/colla parte mark) – A verbal or graphical indication to copy musical material written elsewhere.
custosSymbol placed at the end of a line of music to indicate the first note of the next line. Sometimes called a "direct".
dotDot of augmentation or division.
f(figure) – Single element of a figured bass indication.
fermataAn indication placed over a note or rest to indicate that it should be held longer than its written value. May also occur over a bar line to indicate the end of a phrase or section. Sometimes called a 'hold' or 'pause'.
fingfinger – An individual finger in a fingering indication.
fingGrp(finger group)– A group of individual fingers in a fingering indication.
gliss(glissando) – A continuous or sliding movement from one pitch to another, usually indicated by a straight or wavy line.
grpSym(group symbol) – A brace or bracket used to group two or more staves of a score or part.
halfmRpt(half-measure repeat) – A half-measure repeat in any meter.
harpPedal(harp pedal) – Harp pedal diagram.
keyAccid(key accidental) – Accidental in a key signature.
mensur(mensuration) – Collects information about the metrical relationship between a note value and the next smaller value; that is, either triple or duple.
meterSig(meter signature) – Written meter signature.
mordentAn ornament indicating rapid alternation of the main note with a secondary note, usually a step below, but sometimes a step above.
mRest(measure rest) – Complete measure rest in any meter.
mRpt(measure repeat) – An indication that the previous measure should be repeated.
mRpt2(2-measure repeat) – An indication that the previous two measures should be repeated.
mSpace(measure space) – A measure containing only empty space in any meter.
multiRest(multiple rest) – Multiple measures of rest compressed into a single symbol, frequently found in performer parts.
multiRpt(multiple repeat) – Multiple repeated measures.
ncSign representing a single pitched event, although the exact pitch may not be known.
neumeSign representing one or more musical pitches.
noteA single pitched event.
ornamAn element indicating an ornament that is not a mordent, turn, or trill.
pedalPiano pedal mark.
proport(proportion) – Description of note duration as arithmetic ratio.
restA non-sounding event found in the source being transcribed.
sb(system beginning) – An empty formatting element that forces musical notation to begin on a new line.
signifLetSignificantive letter(s).
symbolA reference to a previously defined symbol.
trillRapid alternation of a note with another (usually at the interval of a second above).
turnAn ornament consisting of four notes — the upper neighbor of the written note, the written note, the lower neighbor, and the written note.
arpeg(arpeggiation) – Indicates that the notes of a chord are to be performed successively rather than simultaneously, usually from lowest to highest. Sometimes called a "roll".
beatRpt(beat repeat) – An indication that material on a preceding beat should be repeated.
bracketSpanMarks a sequence of notational events grouped by a bracket.
breath(breath mark) – An indication of a point at which the performer on an instrument requiring breath (including the voice) may breathe.
fermataAn indication placed over a note or rest to indicate that it should be held longer than its written value. May also occur over a bar line to indicate the end of a phrase or section. Sometimes called a 'hold' or 'pause'.
gliss(glissando) – A continuous or sliding movement from one pitch to another, usually indicated by a straight or wavy line.
halfmRpt(half-measure repeat) – A half-measure repeat in any meter.
harpPedal(harp pedal) – Harp pedal diagram.
meterSig(meter signature) – Written meter signature.
mRest(measure rest) – Complete measure rest in any meter.
mRpt(measure repeat) – An indication that the previous measure should be repeated.
mRpt2(2-measure repeat) – An indication that the previous two measures should be repeated.
mSpace(measure space) – A measure containing only empty space in any meter.
multiRest(multiple rest) – Multiple measures of rest compressed into a single symbol, frequently found in performer parts.
multiRpt(multiple repeat) – Multiple repeated measures.
pedalPiano pedal mark.
mordentAn ornament indicating rapid alternation of the main note with a secondary note, usually a step below, but sometimes a step above.
trillRapid alternation of a note with another (usually at the interval of a second above).
turnAn ornament consisting of four notes — the upper neighbor of the written note, the written note, the lower neighbor, and the written note.
cpMark(copy/colla parte mark) – A verbal or graphical indication to copy musical material written elsewhere.
fingfinger – An individual finger in a fingering indication.
fingGrp(finger group)– A group of individual fingers in a fingering indication.
f(figure) – Single element of a figured bass indication.
mensur(mensuration) – Collects information about the metrical relationship between a note value and the next smaller value; that is, either triple or duple.
proport(proportion) – Description of note duration as arithmetic ratio.
hispanTickHispanic tick.
ncSign representing a single pitched event, although the exact pitch may not be known.
neumeSign representing one or more musical pitches.
signifLetSignificantive letter(s).
accid(accidental) – Records a temporary alteration to the pitch of a note.
artic(articulation) – An indication of how to play a note or chord.
barLineVertical line drawn through one or more staves that divides musical notation into metrical units.
caesuraBreak, pause, or interruption in the normal tempo of a composition. Typically indicated by "railroad tracks", i.e., two diagonal slashes.
chordA simultaneous sounding of two or more notes in the same layer *with the same duration*.
clefIndication of the exact location of a particular note on the staff and, therefore, the other notes as well.
custosSymbol placed at the end of a line of music to indicate the first note of the next line. Sometimes called a "direct".
dotDot of augmentation or division.
grpSym(group symbol) – A brace or bracket used to group two or more staves of a score or part.
keyAccid(key accidental) – Accidental in a key signature.
noteA single pitched event.
ornamAn element indicating an ornament that is not a mordent, turn, or trill.
restA non-sounding event found in the source being transcribed.
sb(system beginning) – An empty formatting element that forces musical notation to begin on a new line.
symbolA reference to a previously defined symbol.
@altsym attribute should have content.
The value in @altsym should correspond to the @xml:id attribute of a symbolDef element.
The value in @altsym must not correspond to the @xml:id attribute of a symbolDef ancestor.
<sch:rule context="@altsym">
<sch:assert role="warning" test="not(normalize-space(.) eq '')">@altsym attribute should have content.</sch:assert>
<sch:assert role="warning" test="every $i in tokenize(., '\s+') satisfies substring($i,2)=//mei:symbolDef/@xml:id">The value in @altsym should correspond to the @xml:id attribute of a symbolDef element.</sch:assert>
<sch:assert test="not(substring(., 2) eq ancestor::mei:symbolDef/@xml:id)">The value in @altsym must not correspond to the @xml:id attribute of a symbolDef ancestor.</sch:assert>
<classSpec ident="att.altSym" module="MEI.usersymbols" type="atts">
<desc>Attributes supplying pointers to user-defined symbols.</desc>
<attList org="group">
<attDef ident="altsym" usage="opt">
<desc>Provides a way of pointing to a user-defined symbol. It must contain a reference to an ID of a
<gi scheme="MEI">symbolDef</gi>
element elsewhere in the document.</desc>
<datatype maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<rng:ref name="data.URI" />
<constraintSpec ident="check_altsymTarget" scheme="isoschematron">
<sch:rule context="@altsym">
<sch:assert role="warning" test="not(normalize-space(.) eq '')">@altsym attribute should have content.</sch:assert>
<sch:assert role="warning" test="every $i in tokenize(., '\s+') satisfies substring($i,2)=//mei:symbolDef/@xml:id">The value in @altsym should correspond to the @xml:id attribute of a symbolDef element.</sch:assert>
<sch:assert test="not(substring(., 2) eq ancestor::mei:symbolDef/@xml:id)">The value in @altsym must not correspond to the @xml:id attribute of a symbolDef ancestor.</sch:assert>