Visual domain attributes for scoreDef in the CMN repertoire. | |
Module | MEI.shared |
Members |
scoreDef (direct member of att.scoreDef.vis)
Attributes |
@barplace(optional)Records the location of a bar line.
Value conforms to data.BARPLACE.
@beam.color(optional)Color of beams, including those associated with tuplets.
Value conforms to data.COLOR.
@beam.rend(optional)Encodes whether a beam is "feathered" and in which direction.
Allowed values are:
"acc" (Beam lines grow farther apart from left to right.), "rit" (Beam lines grow closer together from left to right.), "norm" (Beam lines are equally-spaced over the entire length of the beam.)att.beaming.vis
@clef.color(optional)Describes the color of the clef.
Value conforms to data.COLOR.
@clef.visible(optional)Determines whether the clef is to be displayed.
Value conforms to data.BOOLEAN.
@dynam.dist(optional)Records the default distance from the staff for dynamic marks.
Value conforms to data.MEASUREMENTREL.
@ending.rend(optional)Describes where ending marks should be displayed.
Allowed values are:
"top" (Ending rendered only above top staff.), "barred" (Ending rendered above staves that have bar lines drawn across them.), "grouped" (Endings rendered above staff groups.)att.endings whether to display guitar chord grids.
Value conforms to data.BOOLEAN.
@harm.dist(optional)Records the default distance from the staff of harmonic indications, such as guitar
chord grids or functional labels.
Value conforms to data.MEASUREMENTREL.
att.distances whether the key signature should be displayed.
Value conforms to data.BOOLEAN.
@key.sig.showchange(optional)Determines whether cautionary accidentals should be displayed at a key
Value conforms to data.BOOLEAN.
@lyric.align(optional)Describes the alignment of lyric syllables associated with a note or chord.
Value conforms to data.MEASUREMENTREL.
@lyric.fam(optional)Sets the font family default value for lyrics.
Value conforms to data.FONTFAMILY.
att.lyricstyle the font name default value for lyrics.
Value conforms to data.FONTNAME.
@lyric.size(optional)Sets the default font size value for lyrics.
Value conforms to data.FONTSIZE.
att.lyricstyle the default font style value for lyrics.
Value conforms to data.FONTSTYLE.
@lyric.weight(optional)Sets the default font weight value for lyrics.
Value conforms to data.FONTWEIGHT.
@mensur.color(optional)Records the color of the mensuration sign. Do not confuse this with the musical term
'color' as used in pre-CMN notation.
Value conforms to data.COLOR.
@mensur.form(optional)Indicates whether the base symbol is written vertically or horizontally.
Allowed values are:
"horizontal" , "vertical" att.mensural.vis
@mensur.loc(optional)Holds the staff location of the mensuration sign.
Value conforms to data.STAFFLOC.
@mensur.orient(optional)Describes the rotation or reflection of the base symbol.
Value conforms to data.ORIENTATION.
@mensur.size(optional)Describes the relative size of the mensuration sign.
Value conforms to data.SIZE.
@meter.rend(optional)Contains an indication of how the meter signature should be rendered.
Allowed values are:
"num" (Show only the number of beats.), "denomsym" (The lower number in the meter signature is replaced by a note symbol.), "norm" (Meter signature rendered using traditional numeric values.), "invis" (Meter signature not rendered.)att.meterSigDefault.vis
@meter.showchange(optional)Determines whether a new meter signature should be displayed when the meter
signature changes.
Value conforms to data.BOOLEAN.
@meter.sym(optional)Indicates the use of a meter symbol instead of a numeric meter signature, that is,
'C' for common time or 'C' with a slash for cut time.
Value conforms to data.METERSIGN.
@mnum.visible(optional)Indicates whether measure numbers should be displayed.
Value conforms to data.BOOLEAN.
@multi.number(optional)Indicates whether programmatically calculated counts of multiple measures of rest
(mRest) and whole measure repeats (mRpt) in parts should be rendered.
Value conforms to data.BOOLEAN.
att.multinummeasures the default music font name.
Value conforms to data.MUSICFONT.
@music.size(optional)Sets the default music font size.
Value conforms to data.FONTSIZE.
@ontheline(optional)Determines the placement of notes on a 1-line staff. A value of 'true' places all
notes on the line, while a value of 'false' places stems-up notes above the line and
stems-down notes below the line.
Value conforms to data.BOOLEAN.
@optimize(optional)Indicates whether staves without notes, rests, etc. should be displayed. When the
value is 'true', empty staves are displayed.
Value conforms to data.BOOLEAN.
@page.botmar(optional)Indicates the amount of whitespace at the bottom of a page.
Value conforms to data.MEASUREMENTABS.
@page.height(optional)Specifies the height of the page; may be expressed in real-world units or staff
Value conforms to data.MEASUREMENTABS.
@page.leftmar(optional)Indicates the amount of whitespace at the left side of a page.
Value conforms to data.MEASUREMENTABS.
@page.panels(optional)Indicates the number of logical pages to be rendered on a single physical
Value conforms to data.PAGE.PANELS.
@page.rightmar(optional)Indicates the amount of whitespace at the right side of a page.
Value conforms to data.MEASUREMENTABS.
@page.scale(optional)Indicates how the page should be scaled when rendered.
Value conforms to data.PGSCALE.
@page.topmar(optional)Indicates the amount of whitespace at the top of a page.
Value conforms to data.MEASUREMENTABS.
@page.width(optional)Describes the width of the page; may be expressed in real-world units or staff
Value conforms to data.MEASUREMENTABS.
att.pages whether piano pedal marks should be rendered as lines or as terms.
Allowed values are:
"line" (Continuous line with start and end positions rendered by vertical bars and
bounces shown by upward-pointing "blips".), "pedstar" (Pedal down and half pedal rendered with "Ped.", pedal up rendered by "*", pedal
"bounce" rendered with "* Ped.".), "altpedstar" (Pedal up and down indications same as with "pedstar", but bounce is rendered
with "Ped." only.)att.pianopedals
@reh.enclose(optional)Describes the enclosing shape for rehearsal marks.
Allowed values are:
"box" (Enclosed by box.), "circle" (Enclosed by circle.), "none" (No enclosing shape.)att.rehearsal
@spacing.packexp(optional)Describes a note's spacing relative to its time value.
Value of datatype decimal.
@spacing.packfact(optional)Describes the note spacing of output.
Value of datatype decimal.
@spacing.staff(optional)Specifies the minimum amount of space between adjacent staves in the same system;
measured from the bottom line of the staff above to the top line of the staff
Value conforms to data.MEASUREMENTREL.
@spacing.system(optional)Describes the space between adjacent systems; a pair of space-separated values
(minimum and maximum, respectively) provides a range between which a rendering
system-supplied value may fall, while a single value indicates a fixed amount of space;
that is, the minimum and maximum values are equal.
One or two values from data.MEASUREMENTREL, separated by a space.
@system.leftline(optional)Indicates whether the staves are joined at the left by a continuous line. The
default value is "true". Do not confuse this with the heavy vertical line used as
grouping symbol.
Value conforms to data.BOOLEAN.
@system.leftmar(optional)Describes the amount of whitespace at the left system margin relative to
Value conforms to data.MEASUREMENTABS.
@system.rightmar(optional)Describes the amount of whitespace at the right system margin relative to
Value conforms to data.MEASUREMENTABS.
@system.topmar(optional)Describes the distance from page's top edge to the first system; used for first page
Value conforms to data.MEASUREMENTABS.
@taktplace(optional)If takt bar lines are to be used, then the taktplace attribute may be used to denote
the staff location of the shortened bar line. The location may include staff lines,
spaces, and the spaces directly above and below the staff. The value ranges between
(just below the staff) to 2 * number of staff lines (directly above the staff). For
example, on a 5-line staff the lines would be numbered 1,3,5,7, and 9 while the spaces
would be numbered 0,2,4,6,8,10. For example, a value of '9' puts the bar line through
the top line of a 5-line staff.
Value conforms to data.STAFFLOC.
@text.dist(optional)Determines how far from the staff to render text elements.
Value conforms to data.MEASUREMENTREL.
@text.fam(optional)Provides a default value for the font family name of text (other than lyrics) when
this information is not provided on the individual elements.
Value conforms to data.FONTFAMILY.
att.textstyle a default value for the font name of text (other than lyrics) when this
information is not provided on the individual elements.
Value conforms to data.FONTNAME.
@text.size(optional)Provides a default value for the font size of text (other than lyrics) when this
information is not provided on the individual elements.
Value conforms to data.FONTSIZE.
att.textstyle a default value for the font style of text (other than lyrics) when this
information is not provided on the individual elements.
Value conforms to data.FONTSTYLE.
@text.weight(optional)Provides a default value for the font weight for text (other than lyrics) when this
information is not provided on the individual elements.
Value conforms to data.FONTWEIGHT.
@vu.height(optional)Defines the height of a "virtual unit" (vu) in terms of real-world units. A single
vu is half the distance between the vertical center point of a staff line and that
of an
adjacent staff line.
Value of datatype
a string matching the following regular expression: "\d+(\.\d+)?(cm|mm|in|pt|pc)"
Declaration |