Used by staffDef and scoreDef to provide default values for attributes in the visual domain related to meter signature. | |
Module | MEI.shared |
Members |
scoreDef (via att.scoreDef.vis)
staffDef (via att.staffDef.vis)
Attributes |
@meter.rend(optional)Contains an indication of how the meter signature should be rendered.
Allowed values are:
"num" (Show only the number of beats.), "denomsym" (The lower number in the meter signature is replaced by a note symbol.), "norm" (Meter signature rendered using traditional numeric values.), "invis" (Meter signature not rendered.)att.meterSigDefault.vis
@meter.showchange(optional)Determines whether a new meter signature should be displayed when the meter
signature changes.
Value conforms to data.BOOLEAN.
@meter.sym(optional)Indicates the use of a meter symbol instead of a numeric meter signature, that is,
'C' for common time or 'C' with a slash for cut time.
Value conforms to data.METERSIGN.
Declaration |