2020-10-07 Virtual MEI Board Meeting

Present: Elsa De Luca, Johannes Kepper, Ichiro Fujinaga, Benjamin W. Bohl, Norbert Dubowy, Laurent Pugin, Perry Roland, Martha E. Thomae

Minutes: Benjamin W. Bohl

MEC 2022

Since there are no submissions concerning hosting MEC 2022 the Board decided to leave the call for hosts open for the time being. A reminder should be sent out next year, after the first Board meeting in 2021. If no host can be found a pure online conference might be an option.


The 2021 elections are to be held in the near future. The Board appointed Benjain W. Bohl and Peter Stadler as election officers running the election process. The constituent meeting of the new Board is set to Thursday January 14 2021, 5 pm GMT.

Short report from the Technical Team – ODD Thursday/Friday meetings

In general the meetings are a success, besides decisicions taken concerning specific issues the Technical Team is designing the process to reintegrate the guidelines and schema repositories into one repository. The main focus are to simplify technical development, automate release workflow through the means of continuous integration and deployment (i.e. schema and guidelines of the development branch should be built automatically). The transition is scheduled for mid November (developer meeting).

Forming a team of editors for the Guidelines has been delayd due to the technical aspects described above and should be convened after the merging the repositories. Reaching out to potential candidates should happen around the developer meeting in November.


Slack has proven to be a valuable asset in the community communication. Benjamin will have a look at how to improve integration of e.g. Twitter and GitHub in the Slack Workspace.

Any other Business

Call for proposals 2021

The Call for proposals for MEC 2021 introduces a change of policy concerning submissions by requiring full paper submissions. This was due to the fact that in the past, it has been hard to judge some proposals on the basis of a mere abstract. It has been noticed by the Board that this might discourage e.g. musicologist from submitting their papers as they might prefer to publish their full papers in scholarly periodicals. For that reason one can opt out to publish the accepted paper in the MEC proceedings. The new policy should be evaluated after the conference.