2020-01-15 Virtual MEI Board Meeting

Present: Elsa De Luca, Johannes Kepper, Martha Thomae, Perry Roland, Ichiro Fujinaga, Benjamin W. Bohl, Norbert Dubowy, Kristina Richts

Absent: Laurent Pugin

Administrative Chair

In the inaugural meeting of the MEI Board 2020 Elsa De Luca was appointed Administrative Chair of the MEI Board. Elsa is also member of the MEC 2020 program committee. The whole Board will support Elsa in her effort in fulfilling her new role in the MEI community. Johannes will support Elsa as contact to the Mainz Academy especially concerning financial matters.

Technical Co-Chairs

Johannes and Benjamin have been approved in their roles as technical Co-Chairs. Martha supports them, with a focus on the MEI website.

Other Responsibilities

The Board talked about other responsibilities that should be covered by its members: Editor in chief of the guidelines, revise By-laws, conference liaison.


MEI has a conference, with submissions ranging from abstracts to full papers. Publication of proceedings has been very unstable over the past years due to different reasons. Different ideas have been discussed at various point and with multiple community members. The Board will discuss possible future plans and strategies concerning this subject at the next Board meeting.

Host 2021

Applications will be circulated to the Board. members. Decision will be taken at the next Board meeting.

Developer workshop ideas

As this years conference is in the United States, we should try to find an opportunity in Europe. Johannes will proceed on this.

Future meetings

To pick up the Board work on a good pace, the board will try to settle the meeting dates well ahead. Elsa will propose some time slots to all Board members in the next weeks.

MEI or Board resources and channels

In addition to the MEI Twitter and Slack channels the MEI Board maintains a redmine project management and wiki. Benjamin will create accounts for all Board members.