2019-01-15 Virtual MEI Board Meeting

Tuesday 2019-01-15, 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm CEST

Present: Andrew Hankinson, Eleanor Selfridge-Field, Elsa De Luca, Ichiro Fujinaga, Johannes Kepper, Laurent Pugin, Norbert Dubowy, Benjamin W. Bohl Absent: Kristina Richts

Minutes: Benjamin W. Bohl

The constitutional meeting of the MEI Board after the 2018 MEI Board Elections took place on 15 January 2019 at 7 pm UTC via Elluminate. In order to establish the Board’s capacity to act the roles of the Administrative Chair and the two Technical Co-chairs had to be filled. With seven approvals and one abstention out of seven votes the following team was appointed: Andrew Hankinson as Administrative Chair, Johannes Kepper and Benjamin W. Bohl as Technical Co-Chairs. The newly formed MEI Board likes to thank Peter Stadler and Andrew Hankinson for their great work in coordinating and managing the 2018 MEI Board elections!

After the following warm round of applause and welcoming especially the newly elected members, the following topics were discussed in the MEI Board.

Perry Roland’s withdrawal from the MEI Board

Perry Roland has done a great service to us all in creating MEI and inspiring scholars from around the globe to come together in this community. Nevertheless, he feels it is time to let go and give MEI into the hands of the community. We, the MEI Board, and the whole community thank you Perry for putting that much trust in us and we do hope that we can live up to the expectations you put in us! Of course, we hope to see you at many occasions in the future.


As Kristina Richts is not available at the moment the website needs another caretaker. The main task is to keep an eye on the functionality and the up-to-dateness of the contents, others will help in solving the issues. Elsa De Luca and Laurent Pugin volunteered to take care of this.

Developer meeting in Nashville

After the successful 2018 developer meeting in Oxford, plans are being made for a similar meeting in Nashville. So far plans are to have two or three days for open tutorials and an open developers meeting. The MEI Board will keep the community informed on further developments.

Final works on MEI 4.0 & Future development of MEI

The current development state of MEI 4.0 is code freeze. that is to say development of the schema specifications is finished. Nevertheless, it is a great interest to the MEI Board to see to it that the accompanying documentation fits the current schema. Due to this the new Technical Co-Chairs will see their first major task in coordinating a community effort to achieve this goal.