Tuesday 2017-08-29, 8:00 pm to 21:00 pm CEST
Present: Johannes Kepper, Perry Roland, Ichiro Fujinaga, Laurent Pugin, Eleanor Selfridge-Field, Benjamin W. Bohl Absent: Andrew Hankinson, Kristina Richts, Giuliano Di Bacco
Minutes: Benjamin W. Bohl, Eleanor Selfridge-Field
Johannes Kepper informed the Board on the status of the organisation of the workshop. Participants are invited, definitive registrations due 9 October 2017. A travel grant by DFG has been granted. Unfortunately it will not suffice to cover all travel expenses, thus participants from outside Germany with no other funding will be covered first. Participating projects had to send in metadata use-case descriptions by 4 September. These will form a basis for discussion.
Johannes Kepper reported from contact to local organisers that at the moment everything concerning organisation seems well in time and the call for submission is to be published in the near future. Concerning finances the question arose as to whether MEI could help out in any way. The Board discussed several options and agreed to finance the ConfTool license as well as furnish two or three ›MEI Studentships‹ from a total allocation of c. € 2000. The grant of a studentship shall be bound to a an accepted student paper and be determined in a competitive process amongst the applicants. Details shall be discussed with the local organisers.
Perry Roland reported on the status of the organisation of the workshop. By the time of the Board meeting 18 persons have registered to the track “Introduction to MEI” and 6 persons to the track “Advanced MEI”. The workshops is generously supported by the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation but nevertheless a financial gap will arise due to the fact that Charlottesville is massively overbooked because of UVA celebrating its 200 anniversary. As this is the first workshop in the USA since MEC2014, the Board agreed on offering a financial buffer for insufficient funding up to a maximum of € 3000.
By the end of the year the Board terms of Kristina Richts, Giuliano Di Bacco, and Laurent Pugin will end. The upcoming elections by the end of 2017 should be organised by a member of the Board not standing for (re-)election. Benjamin W. Bohl volunteered to do so, to take care of revising the Board internal guide in the process, and to keep the Board posted on any progress. A first step in terms of openness and transparency shall be to determine a co-organiser.