bibl may contain a mix of text and more specific elements such as title, edition, persName, and corpName. This element may also function as a hypertext reference to an external electronic resource. Do not confuse this element with ref, which does not provide special bibliographic sub-elements.
The model of this element is based on the bibl element of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) and the bibref element of the Encoded Archival Description (EAD).
<elementSpec ident="bibl" module="MEI.shared">
<gloss versionDate="2022-05-18" xml:lang="en">bibliographic reference</gloss>
<desc xml:lang="en">Provides a loosely-structured bibliographic citation in which
the sub-components may or may not be explicitly marked.</desc>
<memberOf key="att.common"/>
<memberOf key="att.bibl"/>
<memberOf key="att.facsimile"/>
<memberOf key="att.lang"/>
<memberOf key="att.pointing"/>
<memberOf key="model.biblLike"/>
<rng:ref name="model.biblPart"/>
<rng:ref name="model.imprintPart"/>
<rng:ref name="model.textPhraseLike"/>
<!-- To produce a more strict bibliographic citation, the following content model
may be used: -->
<!-- <content>
<rng:ref name="model.titleLike"/>
<rng:ref name="model.identifierLike"/>
<rng:ref name="model.annotLike"/>
<rng:ref name="model.biblPart"/>
<rng:ref name="imprint"/>
<rng:ref name="creation"/>
<rng:ref name="genre"/>
<rng:ref name="relatedItem"/>
</content> -->
<remarks xml:lang="en">
<p> <gi scheme="MEI">bibl</gi> may contain a mix of text and more specific elements such as
<gi scheme="MEI">title</gi>, <gi scheme="MEI">edition</gi>, <gi scheme="MEI">persName</gi>,
and <gi scheme="MEI">corpName</gi>. This element may also function as a hypertext reference
to an external electronic resource. Do not confuse this element with <gi scheme="MEI">ref</gi>, which does not provide special bibliographic sub-elements.</p>
<remarks xml:lang="en">
<p>The model of this element is based on the <ref target="">bibl</ref> element of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) and the <ref target="">bibref</ref> element of the Encoded
Archival Description (EAD).</p>