
Groups elements that may appear as part of a bibliographic title.
Contained By
(MEI.shared) Groups elements that may appear as part of a bibliographic title.
titleTitle of a bibliographic entity.
titlePartContains a subsection or division of the title of a bibliographic entity.
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
titleTitle of a bibliographic entity.
titlePartContains a subsection or division of the title of a bibliographic entity.
May Contain
(MEI.shared) Groups elements that may appear as part of a bibliographic title.
symbolA reference to a previously defined symbol.
(MEI.figtable) Groups elements representing or containing graphic information such as an illustration or figure.
figGroups elements representing or containing graphic information such as an illustration or figure.
(MEI.namesdates) Groups elements used as part of a physical address.
postBoxContains a number or other identifier for some postal delivery point other than a street address.
postCodeContains a numerical or alphanumeric code used as part of a postal address to simplify sorting or delivery of mail.
streetfull street address including any name or number identifying a building as well as the name of the street or route on which it is located.
(MEI.namesdates) Groups elements which form part of a geographic name.
blocContains the name of a geopolitical unit consisting of two or more nation states or countries.
countryContains the name of a geopolitical unit, such as a nation, country, colony, or commonwealth, larger than or administratively superior to a region and smaller than a bloc.
districtContains the name of any kind of subdivision of a settlement, such as a parish, ward, or other administrative or geographic unit.
geogFeatContains a common noun identifying a geographical feature.
regionContains the name of an administrative unit such as a state, province, or county, larger than a settlement, but smaller than a country.
settlementContains the name of a settlement such as a city, town, or village identified as a single geopolitical or administrative unit.
(MEI.namesdates) Groups elements that serve as stylistic labels.
periodNameA label that describes a period of time, such as 'Baroque' or '3rd Style period'.
styleNameA label for a characteristic style of writing or performance, such as 'bebop' or 'rock-n-roll'.
(MEI.ptrref) Groups elements used for purposes of location and reference.
ptrDefines a traversible pointer to another location, using only attributes to describe the destination.
refDefines a traversible reference to another location. May contain text and sub-elements that describe the destination.
(MEI.shared) Groups elements used to represent a postal address.
addressContains a postal address, for example of a publisher, an organization, or an individual.
(MEI.shared) Groups annotation-like elements.
annotProvides a statement explaining the text or indicating the basis for an assertion.
(MEI.shared) Groups elements containing a bibliographic description.
biblProvides a loosely-structured bibliographic citation in which the sub-components may or may not be explicitly marked.
biblStructContains a bibliographic citation in which bibliographic sub-elements must appear in a specified order.
(MEI.shared) Groups elements containing date expressions.
dateA string identifying a point in time or the time period between two such points.
(MEI.shared) Groups editorial intervention elements.
abbrA generic element for 1) a shortened form of a word, including an acronym or 2) a shorthand notation.
expanContains the expansion of an abbreviation.
(MEI.shared) Groups identifier-like elements.
identifierAn alpha-numeric string that establishes the identity of the described material.
(MEI.shared) Groups elements that function like line beginnings.
lbAn empty formatting element that forces text to begin on a new line.
(MEI.shared) Groups elements that represent a measurement.
(MEI.shared) Groups elements that denote a number or a quantity.
numNumeric information in any form.
(MEI.shared) Groups elements that contain names.
nameProper noun or noun phrase.
(MEI.namesdates) Groups elements which contain names of individuals or corporate bodies.
corpNameIdentifies an organization or group of people that acts as a single entity.
persNameDesignation for an individual, including any or all of that individual's forenames, surnames, honorific titles, and added names.
(MEI.namesdates) Groups place name elements.
(MEI.namesdates) Groups geographic name elements.
geogNameThe proper noun designation for a place, natural feature, or political jurisdiction.
(MEI.shared) Groups elements that denote a corporate entity that holds a bibliographic item.
repositoryInstitution, agency, or individual which holds a bibliographic item.
(MEI.shared) Groups page beginning-like elements.
pbAn empty formatting element that forces text to begin on a new page.
(MEI.shared) Groups elements that mark typographical features.
rendA formatting element indicating special visual rendering, e.g., bold or italicized, of a text word or phrase.
stackAn inline table with a single column.
Editorial and transcriptional component declarations.
abbrA generic element for 1) a shortened form of a word, including an acronym or 2) a shorthand notation.
expanContains the expansion of an abbreviation.
Figures and tables component declarations.
figGroups elements representing or containing graphic information such as an illustration or figure.
Names and dates component declarations.
blocContains the name of a geopolitical unit consisting of two or more nation states or countries.
corpNameIdentifies an organization or group of people that acts as a single entity.
countryContains the name of a geopolitical unit, such as a nation, country, colony, or commonwealth, larger than or administratively superior to a region and smaller than a bloc.
districtContains the name of any kind of subdivision of a settlement, such as a parish, ward, or other administrative or geographic unit.
geogFeatContains a common noun identifying a geographical feature.
geogNameThe proper noun designation for a place, natural feature, or political jurisdiction.
periodNameA label that describes a period of time, such as 'Baroque' or '3rd Style period'.
persNameDesignation for an individual, including any or all of that individual's forenames, surnames, honorific titles, and added names.
postBoxContains a number or other identifier for some postal delivery point other than a street address.
postCodeContains a numerical or alphanumeric code used as part of a postal address to simplify sorting or delivery of mail.
regionContains the name of an administrative unit such as a state, province, or county, larger than a settlement, but smaller than a country.
settlementContains the name of a settlement such as a city, town, or village identified as a single geopolitical or administrative unit.
streetfull street address including any name or number identifying a building as well as the name of the street or route on which it is located.
styleNameA label for a characteristic style of writing or performance, such as 'bebop' or 'rock-n-roll'.
Pointer and reference component declarations.
ptrDefines a traversible pointer to another location, using only attributes to describe the destination.
refDefines a traversible reference to another location. May contain text and sub-elements that describe the destination.
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
addressContains a postal address, for example of a publisher, an organization, or an individual.
annotProvides a statement explaining the text or indicating the basis for an assertion.
biblProvides a loosely-structured bibliographic citation in which the sub-components may or may not be explicitly marked.
biblStructContains a bibliographic citation in which bibliographic sub-elements must appear in a specified order.
dateA string identifying a point in time or the time period between two such points.
identifierAn alpha-numeric string that establishes the identity of the described material.
lbAn empty formatting element that forces text to begin on a new line.
nameProper noun or noun phrase.
numNumeric information in any form.
pbAn empty formatting element that forces text to begin on a new page.
rendA formatting element indicating special visual rendering, e.g., bold or italicized, of a text word or phrase.
repositoryInstitution, agency, or individual which holds a bibliographic item.
stackAn inline table with a single column.
symbolA reference to a previously defined symbol.
<macroSpec ident="macro.titlePart" module="MEI.shared" type="pe">
<desc xml:lang="en">Groups elements that may appear as part of a bibliographic title.</desc>
<rng:ref name="model.addressLike"/>
<rng:ref name="model.addressPart"/>
<rng:ref name="model.annotLike"/>
<rng:ref name="model.biblLike"/>
<rng:ref name="model.dateLike"/>
<rng:ref name="model.editorialLike"/>
<rng:ref name="model.figureLike"/>
<rng:ref name="model.identifierLike"/>
<rng:ref name="model.lbLike"/>
<rng:ref name="model.locrefLike"/>
<rng:ref name="model.measurementLike"/>
<rng:ref name="model.nameLike"/>
<rng:ref name="model.nameLike.label"/>
<rng:ref name="model.pbLike"/>
<rng:ref name="model.rendLike"/>
<rng:ref name="symbol"/>