
Attributes that apply to all written events, e.g., note, chord, rest, etc.
layer, staff, tstamp, tstamp.ges, tstamp.real, when
layer(optional)Identifies the layer to which a feature applies. One or more values of datatype positiveInteger, separated by spaces.
staff(optional)Signifies the staff on which a notated event occurs or to which a control event applies. Mandatory when applicable. One or more values of datatype positiveInteger, separated by spaces.
tstamp(optional)Encodes the onset time in terms of musical time, i.e., beats[.fractional beat part], as expressed in the written time signature. Value conforms to data.BEAT.
tstamp.ges(optional)Encodes the onset time in terms of musical time, i.e., beats[.fractional beat part], as expressed in the written time signature. Value conforms to data.BEAT.
tstamp.real(optional)Records the onset time in terms of ISO time. Value conforms to data.ISOTIME.
when(optional)Indicates the point of occurrence of this feature along a time line. Its value must be the ID of a when element elsewhere in the document. Value conforms to data.URI.
(MEI.performance) Temporal alignment attributes.
when(optional)Indicates the point of occurrence of this feature along a time line. Its value must be the ID of a when element elsewhere in the document. Value conforms to data.URI.
(MEI.shared) Attributes that identify the layer to which a feature applies.
layer(optional)Identifies the layer to which a feature applies. One or more values of datatype positiveInteger, separated by spaces.
(MEI.shared) Attributes for identifying the staff associated with the current feature.
staff(optional)Signifies the staff on which a notated event occurs or to which a control event applies. Mandatory when applicable. One or more values of datatype positiveInteger, separated by spaces.
(MEI.gestural) Attributes that record a performed (as opposed to notated) time stamp.
tstamp.ges(optional)Encodes the onset time in terms of musical time, i.e., beats[.fractional beat part], as expressed in the written time signature. Value conforms to data.BEAT.
tstamp.real(optional)Records the onset time in terms of ISO time. Value conforms to data.ISOTIME.
(MEI.shared) Attributes that record a time stamp in terms of musical time, , beats[.fractional beat part].
tstamp(optional)Encodes the onset time in terms of musical time, i.e., beats[.fractional beat part], as expressed in the written time signature. Value conforms to data.BEAT.
Gestural component declarations.
tstamp.ges(optional)Encodes the onset time in terms of musical time, i.e., beats[.fractional beat part], as expressed in the written time signature. Value conforms to data.BEAT.
tstamp.real(optional)Records the onset time in terms of ISO time. Value conforms to data.ISOTIME.
Performance component declarations.
when(optional)Indicates the point of occurrence of this feature along a time line. Its value must be the ID of a when element elsewhere in the document. Value conforms to data.URI.
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
layer(optional)Identifies the layer to which a feature applies. One or more values of datatype positiveInteger, separated by spaces.
staff(optional)Signifies the staff on which a notated event occurs or to which a control event applies. Mandatory when applicable. One or more values of datatype positiveInteger, separated by spaces.
tstamp(optional)Encodes the onset time in terms of musical time, i.e., beats[.fractional beat part], as expressed in the written time signature. Value conforms to data.BEAT.
Available at
clefIndication of the exact location of a particular note on the staff and, therefore, the other notes as well.
clefGrpA set of simultaneously-occurring clefs.
beamA container for a series of explicitly beamed events that begins and ends entirely within a measure.
beatRptAn indication that material on a preceding beat should be repeated.
bTremA rapid alternation on a single pitch or chord.
fTremA rapid alternation between a pair of notes (or chords or perhaps between a note and a chord) that are (usually) farther apart than a major second.
graceGrpA container for a sequence of grace notes.
halfmRptA half-measure repeat in any meter.
mRestComplete measure rest in any meter.
mRptAn indication that the previous measure should be repeated.
mRpt2An indication that the previous two measures should be repeated.
mSpaceA measure containing only empty space in any meter.
multiRestMultiple full measure rests compressed into a single bar, frequently found in performer parts.
multiRptMultiple repeated measures.
tupletA group of notes with "irregular" (sometimes called "irrational") rhythmic values, for example, three notes in the time normally occupied by two or nine in the time of five.
chordA simultaneous sounding of two or more notes in the same layer *with the same duration*.
noteA single pitched event.
padAn indication of extra visual space between notational elements.
restA non-sounding event found in the source being transcribed.
spaceA placeholder used to fill an incomplete measure, layer, etc. most often so that the combined duration of the events equals the number of beats in the measure.
tabGrpA group of simultaneous tab notes, comparable to a chord in CMN. Rarely, may also contain rests, as in some "German" lute tablatures.
Common Music Notation (CMN) repertoire component declarations.
bTremA rapid alternation on a single pitch or chord.
beamA container for a series of explicitly beamed events that begins and ends entirely within a measure.
beatRptAn indication that material on a preceding beat should be repeated.
fTremA rapid alternation between a pair of notes (or chords or perhaps between a note and a chord) that are (usually) farther apart than a major second.
graceGrpA container for a sequence of grace notes.
halfmRptA half-measure repeat in any meter.
mRestComplete measure rest in any meter.
mRptAn indication that the previous measure should be repeated.
mRpt2An indication that the previous two measures should be repeated.
mSpaceA measure containing only empty space in any meter.
multiRestMultiple full measure rests compressed into a single bar, frequently found in performer parts.
multiRptMultiple repeated measures.
tupletA group of notes with "irregular" (sometimes called "irrational") rhythmic values, for example, three notes in the time normally occupied by two or nine in the time of five.
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
chordA simultaneous sounding of two or more notes in the same layer *with the same duration*.
clefIndication of the exact location of a particular note on the staff and, therefore, the other notes as well.
clefGrpA set of simultaneously-occurring clefs.
noteA single pitched event.
padAn indication of extra visual space between notational elements.
restA non-sounding event found in the source being transcribed.
spaceA placeholder used to fill an incomplete measure, layer, etc. most often so that the combined duration of the events equals the number of beats in the measure.
Tablature component declarations.
tabGrpA group of simultaneous tab notes, comparable to a chord in CMN. Rarely, may also contain rests, as in some "German" lute tablatures.
<classSpec ident="att.event" module="MEI.shared" type="atts">
<desc xml:lang="en">Attributes that apply to all written events,
, note, chord, rest, etc.</desc>
<memberOf key="att.alignment"/>
<memberOf key="att.layerIdent"/>
<memberOf key="att.staffIdent"/>
<memberOf key="att.timestamp.ges"/>
<memberOf key="att.timestamp.log"/>