dots(optional)Records the number of augmentation dots required by a written dotted duration.
Value conforms to data.AUGMENTDOT.
dur(optional)Records the duration of a rest using the relative durational values provided by the
data.DURATIONRESTS datatype.
Value conforms to data.DURATIONRESTS.
layer(optional)Identifies the layer to which a feature applies.
One or more values of datatype positiveInteger, separated by spaces.
staff(optional)Signifies the staff on which a notated event occurs or to which a control event
applies. Mandatory when applicable.
One or more values of datatype positiveInteger, separated by spaces.
tstamp(optional)Encodes the onset time in terms of musical time, i.e., beats[.fractional beat part],
as expressed in the written time signature.
Value conforms to data.BEAT.