
Attributes that form the basis of the att.common class.
Module MEI.shared
layer, layerDef, staff, staffDef (direct members of att.commonPart)
abbr, accessRestrict, accid, actor, add, addName, address, addrLine, altId, anchoredText, annot, app, appInfo, application, arpeg, arranger, artic, audience, author, availability, avFile, back, barLine, barre, beam, beamSpan, beatRpt, bend, bibl, biblList, biblScope, bloc, body, breath, bTrem, byline, caption, captureMode, carrierForm, castGrp, castItem, castList, cc, chan, change, changeDesc, chanPr, choice, chord, chordDef, chordMember, chordTable, classCode, classification, clef, clefGrp, clip, componentGrp, composer, condition, contentItem, contents, context, corpName, corr, correction, country, cpMark, creation, cue, curve, custos, damage, date, del, depth, desc, dimensions, dir, distributor, district, div, dot, dynam, edition, editionStmt, editor, editorialDecl, encodingDesc, ending, event, eventList, exhibHist, expan, expansion, expression, expressionList, extent, extMeta, f, facsimile, famName, fb, fermata, fig, figDesc, fileChar, fileDesc, fing, fingerprint, fingGrp, foreName, front, fTrem, funder, gap, genName, genre, geogFeat, geogName, gliss, graphic, group, grpSym, hairpin, halfmRpt, hand, handList, handShift, harm, harpPedal, head, height, hex, history, identifier, imprint, incip, incipCode, incipText, ineume, inscription, instrDef, instrGrp, interpretation, item, itemList, key, keyAccid, keySig, l, label, language, langUsage, lb, lem, lg, li, librettist, ligature, line, list, lyricist, lyrics, mapping, marker, mdiv, measure, meiCorpus, meiHead, mensur, mensuration, metaText, meter, meterSig, meterSigGrp, midi, mordent, mRest, mRpt, mRpt2, mSpace, multiRest, multiRpt, music, name, normalization, nameLink, note, noteOff, noteOn, notesStmt, num, octave, orig, ornam, ossia, otherChar, p, pad, part, parts, pb, pedal, perfDuration, perfMedium, performance, perfRes, perfResList, periodName, persName, pgDesc, pgFoot, pgFoot2, pgHead, pgHead2, phrase, physDesc, physLoc, physMedium, plateNum, playingSpeed, port, postBox, postCode, price, prog, projectDesc, propName, proport, propValue, provenance, ptr, publisher, pubPlace, pubStmt, quote, rdg, recipient, recording, ref, reg, region, reh, relatedItem, relation, relationList, rend, repository, resp, respStmt, rest, restore, revisionDesc, role, roleDesc, roleName, samplingDecl, sb, score, scoreDef, scoreFormat, section, segmentation, seqNum, series, seriesStmt, settlement, sic, slur, soundChan, source, sourceDesc, space, specRepro, sponsor, stack, staffGrp, stdVals, street, styleName, subst, supplied, surface, syl, syllable, symbol, symbolDef, symName, symProp, symbolTable, sysReq, table, td, tempo, term, termList, textLang, th, tie, title, titlePage, titleStmt, tr, trackConfig, treatHist, treatSched, trill, trkName, tuplet, tupletSpan, turn, unclear, uneume, unpub, useRestrict, vel, verse, watermark, when, width, work, workDesc, zone (via att.common)
@label(optional)Provides a name or label for an element. The value may be any string. Value of datatype string. att.commonPart
@xml:base(optional)Provides a base URI reference with which applications can resolve relative URI references into absolute URI references. Value conforms to data.URI. att.commonPart
@xml:id(optional)Regularizes the naming of an element and thus facilitates building links between it and other resources. Each id attribute within a document must have a unique value. Value of datatype ID.
<memberOf key=""/>
<attDef ident="label" usage="opt">
<desc>Provides a name or label for an element. The value may be any string.</desc>
<datatype maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<rng:data type="string"/>
<attDef ident="xml:base" usage="opt">
<desc>Provides a base URI reference with which applications can resolve relative URI references into absolute URI references.</desc>
<datatype maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<rng:ref name="data.URI" />