
A simultaneous sounding of two or more notes in the same layer *with the same duration*.
Module MEI.shared
@altsym(optional)Provides a way of pointing to a user-defined symbol. It must contain an ID of a <symbolDef> element elsewhere in the document. Value conforms to data.URI. att.altsym
@artic(optional)Encodes the written articulation(s). Articulations are normally encoded in order from the note head outward; that is, away from the stem. See additional notes at att.vis.note. Only articulations should be encoded in the artic attribute; for example, fingerings should be encoded using the <fingering> element. One or more values from data.ARTICULATION, separated by spaces. att.articulation
@artic.ges(optional)Records performed articulation that differs from the written value. One or more values from data.ARTICULATION, separated by spaces. att.articulation.performed
@beam(optional)Indicates that this event is "under a beam". One or more values from data.BEAM, separated by spaces. att.beamed
@breaksec(optional)Presence of this attribute indicates that the secondary beam should be broken following this note/chord. The value of the attribute records the number of beams which should remain unbroken. Value of datatype positiveInteger. att.beamsecondary
@cluster(optional)Indicates a single, alternative note head should be displayed instead of individual note heads. The highest and lowest notes of the chord usually indicate the upper and lower boundaries of the cluster note head. Value conforms to data.CLUSTER. att.chord.vis
@color(optional)Used to indicate visual appearance. Do not confuse this with the musical term 'color' as used in pre-CMN notation. Value conforms to data.COLOR. att.color
@copyof(optional)Points to an element of which the current element is a copy. Value conforms to data.URI. att.common.anl
@corresp(optional)Used to point to other elements that correspond to this one in a generic fashion. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces. att.common.anl
@dots(optional)Records the number of augmentation dots required by a dotted duration. Value conforms to data.AUGMENTDOT. att.augmentdots
@dur(optional)Records the duration of a feature using the relative durational values provided by the data.DURATION datatype. Value conforms to data.DURATION. att.duration.musical
@dur.ges(optional)Records performed duration information that differs from the written duration. Its value may be expressed in several forms; that is, ppq (MIDI clicks and MusicXML 'divisions'), Humdrum **recip values, beats, seconds, or mensural duration values. Value conforms to data.DURATION.gestural. att.duration.performed
@enclose(optional)Records the characters often used to mark accidentals, articulations, and sometimes notes as having a cautionary or editorial function. For an example of cautionary accidentals enclosed in parentheses, see Read, p. 131, ex. 9-14. Value conforms to data.ENCLOSURE. att.enclosingchars
@facs(optional)Permits the current element to reference a facsimile surface or image zone which corresponds to it. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces. att.facsimile
@fermata(optional)Indicates the attachment of a fermata to this element. If visual information about the fermata needs to be recorded, then a <fermata> element should be employed instead. Value conforms to data.PLACE. att.fermatapresent
@fontfam(optional)Contains the name of a font-family. Value conforms to data.FONTFAMILY. att.typography
@fontname(optional)Holds the name of a font. Value conforms to data.FONTNAME. att.typography
@fontsize(optional)Indicates the size of a font expressed in printers' points, i.e., 1/72nd of an inch, relative terms, e.g., "small", "larger", etc., or percentage values relative to "normal" size, e.g., "125%". Value conforms to data.FONTSIZE. att.typography
@fontstyle(optional)Records the style of a font, i.e, italic, oblique, or normal. Value conforms to data.FONTSTYLE. att.typography
@fontweight(optional)Used to indicate bold type. Value conforms to data.FONTWEIGHT. att.typography
@glyphname(optional)Glyph name. Value of datatype string. att.extsym
@glyphnum(optional)Numeric glyph reference in hexadecimal notation, e.g. "#xE000" or "U+E000". N.B. SMuFL version 1.18 uses the range U+E000 - U+ECBF. Value of datatype a string matching the following regular expression: "(#x|U\+)[A-F0-9]+" . att.extsym
@grace(optional)Marks a note or chord as a "grace" (without a definitive written duration) and records from which other note/chord it should "steal" time. Value conforms to data.GRACE. att.graced
@grace.time(optional)Records the amount of time to be "stolen" from a non-grace note/chord. Value conforms to data.PERCENT. att.graced
@ho(optional)Records a horizontal adjustment to a feature's programmatically-determined location in terms of staff interline distance; that is, in units of 1/2 the distance between adjacent staff lines. Value conforms to data.MEASUREMENTREL. att.visualoffset.ho
@instr(optional)Provides a way of pointing to a MIDI instrument definition. It must contain the ID of an <instrDef> element elsewhere in the document. Value conforms to data.URI. att.instrumentident
@label(optional)Provides a name or label for an element. The value may be any string. Value of datatype string. att.commonPart
@layer(optional)Identifies the layer to which a feature applies. One or more values of datatype positiveInteger, separated by spaces. att.layerident
@lv(optional)Indicates the attachment of an l.v. (laissez vibrer) sign to this element. Value conforms to data.BOOLEAN. att.lvpresent
@n(optional)Provides a number-like designation for an element. Value conforms to token. att.common
@next(optional)Used to point to the next event(s) in a user-defined collection. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces. att.common.anl
@ornam(optional)Indicates that this element has an attached ornament. If visual information about the ornament is needed, then one of the elements that represents an ornament (mordent, trill, or turn) should be employed. One or more values from data.ORNAM.cmn, separated by spaces. att.ornam
@prev(optional)Points to the previous event(s) in a user-defined collection. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces. att.common.anl
@sameas(optional)Points to an element that is the same as the current element but is not a literal copy of the current element. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces. att.common.anl
@size(optional)Describes the relative size of a feature. Value conforms to data.SIZE. att.relativesize
@slur(optional)Indicates that this element participates in a slur. If visual information about the slur needs to be recorded, then a <slur> element should be employed. One or more values from data.SLUR, separated by spaces. att.slurpresent
@staff(optional)Signifies the staff on which a notated event occurs or to which a control event applies. Mandatory when applicable. One or more values of datatype positiveInteger, separated by spaces. att.staffident
@stem.dir(optional)Describes the direction of a stem. Value conforms to data.STEMDIRECTION. att.stems
@stem.len(optional)Encodes the stem length. Value conforms to data.MEASUREMENTABS. att.stems
@stem.mod(optional)Encodes any stem "modifiers"; that is, symbols rendered on the stem, such as tremolo or Sprechstimme indicators. Value conforms to data.STEMMODIFIER. att.stems
@stem.pos(optional)Records the position of the stem in relation to the note head(s). Value conforms to data.STEMPOSITION. att.stems
@stem.with(optional)Contains an indication of which staff a note or chord that logically belongs to the current staff should be visually placed on; that is, the one above or the one below. Value conforms to data.OTHERSTAFF. att.stems.cmn
@stem.x(optional)Records the output x coordinate of the stem's attachment point. Value of datatype decimal. att.stems
@stem.y(optional)Records the output y coordinate of the stem's attachment point. Value of datatype decimal. att.stems
@syl(optional)Holds an associated sung text syllable. Value of datatype string. att.syltext
@synch(optional)Points to elements that are synchronous with the current element. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces. att.common.anl
@tie(optional)Indicates that this element participates in a tie. If visual information about the tie needs to be recorded, then a <tie> element should be employed. One or more values from data.TIE, separated by spaces. att.tiepresent
@to(optional)Records a timestamp adjustment of a feature's programmatically-determined location in terms of musical time; that is, beats. Value conforms to data.TSTAMPOFFSET. att.visualoffset.to
@tstamp(optional)Encodes the onset time in terms of musical time, i.e., beats[.fractional_beat_part]. Value conforms to data.BEAT. att.timestamp.musical
@tstamp.ges(optional)Captures performed onset time in several forms; that is, ppq (MIDI clicks and MusicXML 'divisions'), Humdrum **recip values, beats, seconds, or mensural duration values. Value conforms to data.DURATION.gestural. att.timestamp.performed
@tstamp.real(optional)Used to record the onset time in terms of ISO time. Value conforms to data.ISOTIME. att.timestamp.performed
@tuplet(optional)Indicates that this feature participates in a tuplet. If visual information about the tuplet needs to be recorded, then a <tuplet> element should be employed. One or more values from data.TUPLET, separated by spaces. att.tupletpresent
@visible(optional)Indicates if a feature should be rendered when the notation is presented graphically or sounded when it is presented in an aural form. Value conforms to data.BOOLEAN. att.visibility
@when(optional)Indicates the point of occurrence of this feature along a time line. Its value must be the ID of a when element elsewhere in the document. Value conforms to data.URI. att.alignment
@x(optional)Encodes an x coordinate for a feature in an output coordinate system. When it is necessary to record the placement of a feature in a facsimile image, use the facs attribute. Value of datatype decimal. att.xy
@xml:base(optional)Provides a base URI reference with which applications can resolve relative URI references into absolute URI references. Value conforms to data.URI. att.commonPart
@xml:id(optional)Regularizes the naming of an element and thus facilitates building links between it and other resources. Each id attribute within a document must have a unique value. Value of datatype ID. att.id
@y(optional)Encodes an y coordinate for a feature in an output coordinate system. When it is necessary to record the placement of a feature in a facsimile image, use the facs attribute. Value of datatype decimal. att.xy
Member of
Contained by
MEI.critapplem rdg
May contain
<memberOf key="att.common"/>
<memberOf key="att.facsimile"/>
<memberOf key="att.chord.log"/>
<memberOf key="att.chord.vis"/>
<memberOf key="att.chord.ges"/>
<memberOf key="att.chord.anl"/>
<memberOf key="model.eventLike"/>
<rng:ref name="model.chordPart" />
<rng:ref name="model.editLike" />
<rng:ref name="model.transcriptionLike" />