
Gestural domain attributes.
accid.ges, artic.ges, dots.ges, dur.ges, dur.metrical, dur.ppq, dur.real, dur.recip, extremis, instr, num, numbase, oct.ges, pname.ges, pnum, tab.fing, tab.fret, tab.string, vel
accid.ges(optional)Records the performed pitch inflection. Value conforms to data.ACCIDENTAL.GESTURAL.
artic.ges(optional)Records performed articulation that differs from the written value. One or more values from data.ARTICULATION, separated by spaces.
dots.ges(optional)Number of dots required for a gestural duration when different from that of the written duration. Value conforms to data.AUGMENTDOT.
dur.ges(optional)Records performed duration information that differs from the written duration. Value conforms to data.DURATION.gestural.
dur.metrical(optional)Duration as a count of units provided in the time signature denominator. Value of datatype a decimal number matching the pattern "\d+(\.\d+)?" .
dur.ppq(optional)Duration recorded as pulses-per-quarter note, e.g. MIDI clicks or MusicXML divisions. Value of datatype nonNegativeInteger.
dur.real(optional)Duration in seconds, e.g. '1.732'. Value of datatype a decimal number matching the pattern "\d+(\.\d+)?" .
dur.recip(optional)Duration as an optionally dotted Humdrum *recip value. Value of datatype a string matching the following regular expression: "\d+(\.)*" .
extremis(optional)Indicates an extreme, indefinite performed pitch. Allowed values are: "highest" (Highest note the performer can play.), "lowest" (Lowest note the performer can play.)
instr(optional)Provides a way of pointing to a MIDI instrument definition. It must contain the ID of an instrDef element elsewhere in the document. Value conforms to data.URI.
num(optional)Along with numbase, describes duration as a ratio. num is the first value in the ratio, while numbase is the second. Value of datatype positiveInteger.
numbase(optional)Along with num, describes duration as a ratio. num is the first value in the ratio, while numbase is the second. Value of datatype positiveInteger.
oct.ges(optional)Records performed octave information that differs from the written value. Value conforms to data.OCTAVE.
pname.ges(optional)Contains a performed pitch name that differs from the written value. Value conforms to data.PITCHNAME.GES.
pnum(optional)Holds a pitch-to-number mapping, a base-40 or MIDI note number, for example. Value conforms to data.PITCHNUMBER.
tab.fing(optional)Indicates which finger, if any, should be used to play an individual string. The index, middle, ring, and little fingers are represented by the values 1-4, while 't' is for the thumb. The values 'x' and 'o' indicate muffled and open strings, respectively. Value conforms to data.FINGER.FRET.
tab.fret(optional)Records the location at which a string should be stopped against a fret. Value conforms to data.FRETNUMBER.
tab.string(optional)Records which string is to be played. Value conforms to data.STRINGNUMBER.
vel(optional)MIDI Note-on/off velocity. Value conforms to data.MIDIVALUE.
extremis(optional)Indicates an extreme, indefinite performed pitch. Allowed values are: "highest" (Highest note the performer can play.), "lowest" (Lowest note the performer can play.)
oct.ges(optional)Records performed octave information that differs from the written value. Value conforms to data.OCTAVE.
pname.ges(optional)Contains a performed pitch name that differs from the written value. Value conforms to data.PITCHNAME.GES.
pnum(optional)Holds a pitch-to-number mapping, a base-40 or MIDI note number, for example. Value conforms to data.PITCHNUMBER.
(MEI.gestural) Attributes for capturing momentary pitch inflection in the gestural domain.
accid.ges(optional)Records the performed pitch inflection. Value conforms to data.ACCIDENTAL.GESTURAL.
(MEI.gestural) Attributes describing the method of performance.
artic.ges(optional)Records performed articulation that differs from the written value. One or more values from data.ARTICULATION, separated by spaces.
(MEI.gestural) Attributes that record performed duration that differs from a feature's written duration.
dur.ges(optional)Records performed duration information that differs from the written duration. Value conforms to data.DURATION.gestural.
dots.ges(optional)Number of dots required for a gestural duration when different from that of the written duration. Value conforms to data.AUGMENTDOT.
dur.metrical(optional)Duration as a count of units provided in the time signature denominator. Value of datatype a decimal number matching the pattern "\d+(\.\d+)?" .
dur.ppq(optional)Duration recorded as pulses-per-quarter note, e.g. MIDI clicks or MusicXML divisions. Value of datatype nonNegativeInteger.
dur.real(optional)Duration in seconds, e.g. '1.732'. Value of datatype a decimal number matching the pattern "\d+(\.\d+)?" .
dur.recip(optional)Duration as an optionally dotted Humdrum *recip value. Value of datatype a string matching the following regular expression: "\d+(\.)*" .
(MEI.midi) Attributes which identify a MIDI instrument.
instr(optional)Provides a way of pointing to a MIDI instrument definition. It must contain the ID of an instrDef element elsewhere in the document. Value conforms to data.URI.
(MEI.midi) MIDI attributes pertaining to key velocity.
vel(optional)MIDI Note-on/off velocity. Value conforms to data.MIDIVALUE.
(MEI.mensural) Gestural domain attributes.
(MEI.shared) Attributes that describe duration as a ratio.
num(optional)Along with numbase, describes duration as a ratio. num is the first value in the ratio, while numbase is the second. Value of datatype positiveInteger.
numbase(optional)Along with num, describes duration as a ratio. num is the first value in the ratio, while numbase is the second. Value of datatype positiveInteger.
(MEI.stringtab) String tablature string and fret information.
tab.fing(optional)Indicates which finger, if any, should be used to play an individual string. The index, middle, ring, and little fingers are represented by the values 1-4, while 't' is for the thumb. The values 'x' and 'o' indicate muffled and open strings, respectively. Value conforms to data.FINGER.FRET.
tab.fret(optional)Records the location at which a string should be stopped against a fret. Value conforms to data.FRETNUMBER.
tab.string(optional)Records which string is to be played. Value conforms to data.STRINGNUMBER.
Gestural component declarations.
accid.ges(optional)Records the performed pitch inflection. Value conforms to data.ACCIDENTAL.GESTURAL.
artic.ges(optional)Records performed articulation that differs from the written value. One or more values from data.ARTICULATION, separated by spaces.
dots.ges(optional)Number of dots required for a gestural duration when different from that of the written duration. Value conforms to data.AUGMENTDOT.
dur.ges(optional)Records performed duration information that differs from the written duration. Value conforms to data.DURATION.gestural.
dur.metrical(optional)Duration as a count of units provided in the time signature denominator. Value of datatype a decimal number matching the pattern "\d+(\.\d+)?" .
dur.ppq(optional)Duration recorded as pulses-per-quarter note, e.g. MIDI clicks or MusicXML divisions. Value of datatype nonNegativeInteger.
dur.real(optional)Duration in seconds, e.g. '1.732'. Value of datatype a decimal number matching the pattern "\d+(\.\d+)?" .
dur.recip(optional)Duration as an optionally dotted Humdrum *recip value. Value of datatype a string matching the following regular expression: "\d+(\.)*" .
extremis(optional)Indicates an extreme, indefinite performed pitch. Allowed values are: "highest" (Highest note the performer can play.), "lowest" (Lowest note the performer can play.)
oct.ges(optional)Records performed octave information that differs from the written value. Value conforms to data.OCTAVE.
pname.ges(optional)Contains a performed pitch name that differs from the written value. Value conforms to data.PITCHNAME.GES.
pnum(optional)Holds a pitch-to-number mapping, a base-40 or MIDI note number, for example. Value conforms to data.PITCHNUMBER.
MIDI component declarations.
instr(optional)Provides a way of pointing to a MIDI instrument definition. It must contain the ID of an instrDef element elsewhere in the document. Value conforms to data.URI.
vel(optional)MIDI Note-on/off velocity. Value conforms to data.MIDIVALUE.
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
num(optional)Along with numbase, describes duration as a ratio. num is the first value in the ratio, while numbase is the second. Value of datatype positiveInteger.
numbase(optional)Along with num, describes duration as a ratio. num is the first value in the ratio, while numbase is the second. Value of datatype positiveInteger.
Tablature component declarations.
tab.fing(optional)Indicates which finger, if any, should be used to play an individual string. The index, middle, ring, and little fingers are represented by the values 1-4, while 't' is for the thumb. The values 'x' and 'o' indicate muffled and open strings, respectively. Value conforms to data.FINGER.FRET.
tab.fret(optional)Records the location at which a string should be stopped against a fret. Value conforms to data.FRETNUMBER.
tab.string(optional)Records which string is to be played. Value conforms to data.STRINGNUMBER.
Available at
noteA single pitched event.
noteA single pitched event.
When the @extremis attribute is used, the @pname.ges and @oct.ges attributes are not allowed.
<sch:rule context="mei:note[@extremis]">
<sch:assert test="not(@pname.ges) and not(@oct.ges)">When the @extremis attribute is used, the @pname.ges and @oct.ges attributes are not allowed.</sch:assert>
<classSpec ident="att.note.ges" module="MEI.gestural" type="atts">
<desc>Gestural domain attributes.</desc>
<memberOf key="att.accidental.gestural"/>
<memberOf key="att.articulation.gestural"/>
<memberOf key="att.duration.gestural"/>
<memberOf key="att.instrumentIdent"/>
<memberOf key="att.midiVelocity"/>
<memberOf key="att.note.ges.mensural"/>
<memberOf key="att.stringtab"/>
<constraintSpec ident="extremis_disallows_gestural_pitch" scheme="isoschematron">
<sch:rule context="mei:note[@extremis]">
<sch:assert test="not(@pname.ges) and not(@oct.ges)">When the @extremis attribute is used, the @pname.ges and @oct.ges attributes are not allowed.</sch:assert>
<attList org="group">
<attDef ident="extremis" usage="opt">
<desc>Indicates an extreme, indefinite performed pitch.</desc>
<valList type="closed">
<valItem ident="highest">
<desc>Highest note the performer can play.</desc>
<valItem ident="lowest">
<desc>Lowest note the performer can play.</desc>
<p part="N">On a wind instrument, the "highest note possible" depends on the player's abilities. On a string instrument, the "lowest note possible" depends on how much a string is de-tuned; that is, loosened using the tuning peg. Use of the
<att scheme="TEI">pname</att>
<att scheme="TEI">oct</att>
<att scheme="TEI">ploc</att>
<att scheme="TEI">oloc</att>
<att scheme="TEI">loc</att>
attributes is necessary to record the written pitch and octave of the symbol for this note.</p>
<attDef ident="oct.ges" usage="opt">
<desc>Records performed octave information that differs from the written value.</desc>
<datatype maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<rng:ref name="data.OCTAVE" />
<attDef ident="pname.ges" usage="opt">
<desc>Contains a performed pitch name that differs from the written value.</desc>
<datatype maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<rng:ref name="data.PITCHNAME.GES" />
<attDef ident="pnum" usage="opt">
<desc>Holds a pitch-to-number mapping, a base-40 or MIDI note number, for example.</desc>
<datatype maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<rng:ref name="data.PITCHNUMBER" />