
Attributes that describe duration as a ratio.
num, numbase
num(optional)Along with numbase, describes duration as a ratio. num is the first value in the ratio, while numbase is the second. Value of datatype positiveInteger.
numbase(optional)Along with num, describes duration as a ratio. num is the first value in the ratio, while numbase is the second. Value of datatype positiveInteger.
num(optional)Along with numbase, describes duration as a ratio. num is the first value in the ratio, while numbase is the second. Value of datatype positiveInteger.
numbase(optional)Along with num, describes duration as a ratio. num is the first value in the ratio, while numbase is the second. Value of datatype positiveInteger.
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
num(optional)Along with numbase, describes duration as a ratio. num is the first value in the ratio, while numbase is the second. Value of datatype positiveInteger.
numbase(optional)Along with num, describes duration as a ratio. num is the first value in the ratio, while numbase is the second. Value of datatype positiveInteger.
Available at
tupletA group of notes with "irregular" (sometimes called "irrational") rhythmic values, for example, three notes in the time normally occupied by two or nine in the time of five.
tupletSpan(tuplet span) – Alternative element for encoding tuplets, especially useful for tuplets that extend across bar lines.
noteA single pitched event.
proport(proportion) – Description of note duration as arithmetic ratio.
restA non-sounding event found in the source being transcribed.
mensur(mensuration) – Collects information about the metrical relationship between a note value and the next smaller value; that is, either triple or duple.
mensurationCaptures information about mensuration within bibliographic descriptions.
tupletA group of notes with "irregular" (sometimes called "irrational") rhythmic values, for example, three notes in the time normally occupied by two or nine in the time of five.
tupletSpan(tuplet span) – Alternative element for encoding tuplets, especially useful for tuplets that extend across bar lines.
mensurationCaptures information about mensuration within bibliographic descriptions.
proport(proportion) – Description of note duration as arithmetic ratio.
mensur(mensuration) – Collects information about the metrical relationship between a note value and the next smaller value; that is, either triple or duple.
noteA single pitched event.
restA non-sounding event found in the source being transcribed.
<classSpec ident="att.duration.ratio" module="MEI.shared" type="atts">
<desc>Attributes that describe duration as a ratio.</desc>
<attList org="group">
<attDef ident="num" usage="opt">
<desc>Along with numbase, describes duration as a ratio. num is the first value in the ratio, while numbase is the second.</desc>
<datatype maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<rng:data type="positiveInteger"/>
<attDef ident="numbase" usage="opt">
<desc>Along with num, describes duration as a ratio. num is the first value in the ratio, while numbase is the second.</desc>
<datatype maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<rng:data type="positiveInteger"/>