
Gestural domain attributes.
Module MEI.shared
note (direct member of att.note.ges)
@accid.ges(optional)Records the performed pitch inflection. Value conforms to data.ACCIDENTAL.IMPLICIT. att.accidental.performed
@artic.ges(optional)Records performed articulation that differs from the written value. One or more values from data.ARTICULATION, separated by spaces. att.articulation.performed
@dur.ges(optional)Records performed duration information that differs from the written duration. Its value may be expressed in several forms; that is, ppq (MIDI clicks and MusicXML 'divisions'), Humdrum **recip values, beats, seconds, or mensural duration values. Value conforms to data.DURATION.gestural. att.duration.performed
@gliss(optional)Indicates that this element participates in a glissando. Value conforms to data.GLISSANDO. att.note.ges.cmn
@grace(optional)Marks a note or chord as a "grace" (without a definitive written duration) and records from which other note/chord it should "steal" time. Value conforms to data.GRACE. att.graced
@grace.time(optional)Records the amount of time to be "stolen" from a non-grace note/chord. Value conforms to data.PERCENT. att.graced
@instr(optional)Provides a way of pointing to a MIDI instrument definition. It must contain the ID of an <instrDef> element elsewhere in the document. Value conforms to data.URI. att.instrumentident
@num(optional)Along with numbase, describes duration as a ratio. num is the first value in the ratio, while numbase is the second. Value of datatype positiveInteger. att.duration.ratio
@numbase(optional)Along with num, describes duration as a ratio. num is the first value in the ratio, while numbase is the second. Value of datatype positiveInteger. att.duration.ratio
@oct.ges(optional)Records performed octave information that differs from the written value. Value conforms to data.OCTAVE. att.note.ges
@pname.ges(optional)Contains a performed pitch name that differs from the written value. Value conforms to data.PITCHNAME.GES. att.note.ges
@pnum(optional)Holds a pitch-to-number mapping, a base-40 or MIDI note number, for example. Value conforms to data.PITCHNUMBER. att.note.ges
@tab.fret(optional)Records the fret at which a string should be stopped. Value conforms to data.FRETNUMBER. att.note.ges.tablature
@tab.string(optional)Records which string is to be played. Value conforms to data.STRINGNUMBER. att.note.ges.tablature
@vel(optional)MIDI Note-on/off velocity. Value conforms to data.MIDIVALUE. att.midivelocity
<memberOf key="att.accidental.performed"/>
<memberOf key="att.articulation.performed"/>
<memberOf key="att.duration.performed"/>
<memberOf key="att.instrumentident"/>
<memberOf key="att.midivelocity"/>
<memberOf key="att.note.ges.cmn"/>
<memberOf key="att.note.ges.mensural"/>
<memberOf key="att.note.ges.tablature"/>
<attDef ident="oct.ges" usage="opt">
<desc>Records performed octave information that differs from the written value.</desc>
<datatype maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<rng:ref name="data.OCTAVE" />
<attDef ident="pname.ges" usage="opt">
<desc>Contains a performed pitch name that differs from the written value.</desc>
<datatype maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<rng:ref name="data.PITCHNAME.GES" />
<attDef ident="pnum" usage="opt">
<desc>Holds a pitch-to-number mapping, a base-40 or MIDI note number, for example.</desc>
<datatype maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<rng:ref name="data.PITCHNUMBER" />