Attributes that record the number of dots of augmentation. | |
Module | MEI.shared |
Members |
annot (via att.annot.log)
beamSpan (via att.beamSpan.log)
bend (via att.bend.log)
breath (via att.breath.log)
bTrem (via att.bTrem.log)
chord (via att.chord.log)
dir (via att.dir.log)
dynam (via att.dynam.log)
fing (via att.fing.log)
fingGrp (via att.fingGrp.log)
fTrem (via att.fTrem.log)
gliss (via att.gliss.log)
hairpin (via att.hairpin.log)
harm (via att.harm.log)
mSpace (via att.mSpace.log)
note (via att.note.log)
octave (via att.octave.log)
phrase (via att.phrase.log)
rest (via
slur (via att.slur.log)
space (via
trill (via att.trill.log)
tuplet (via att.tuplet.log)
tupletSpan (via att.tupletSpan.log)
Attributes |
@dots(optional)Records the number of augmentation dots required by a dotted duration.
Value conforms to data.AUGMENTDOT.
Declaration |
Constraint |
An element with a dots attribute must also have a dur attribute.