
Attributes that record the visual rendition of lines.
lendsym, lendsym.size, lform, lsegs, lstartsym, lstartsym.size, lwidth
lendsym(optional)Symbol rendered at end of line. Value conforms to data.LINESTARTENDSYMBOL.
lendsym.size(optional)Holds the relative size of the line-end symbol. Value conforms to data.FONTSIZESCALE.
lform(optional)Describes the style of a line. Value conforms to data.LINEFORM.
lsegs(optional)Describes the number of segments into which a dashed or dotted line may be divided, or the number of "peaks" of a wavy line; a pair of space-separated values (minimum and maximum, respectively) provides a range between which a rendering system-supplied value may fall, while a single value indicates a fixed amount of space; that is, the minimum and maximum values are equal. One or two values of datatype a positive integer no smaller than 2, separated by a space.
lstartsym(optional)Symbol rendered at start of line. Value conforms to data.LINESTARTENDSYMBOL.
lstartsym.size(optional)Holds the relative size of the line-start symbol. Value conforms to data.FONTSIZESCALE.
lwidth(optional)Width of a line. Value conforms to data.LINEWIDTH.
lendsym(optional)Symbol rendered at end of line. Value conforms to data.LINESTARTENDSYMBOL.
lendsym.size(optional)Holds the relative size of the line-end symbol. Value conforms to data.FONTSIZESCALE.
lstartsym(optional)Symbol rendered at start of line. Value conforms to data.LINESTARTENDSYMBOL.
lstartsym.size(optional)Holds the relative size of the line-start symbol. Value conforms to data.FONTSIZESCALE.
(MEI.shared) Attributes that record the basic visual rendition of lines.
lform(optional)Describes the style of a line. Value conforms to data.LINEFORM.
lwidth(optional)Width of a line. Value conforms to data.LINEWIDTH.
lsegs(optional)Describes the number of segments into which a dashed or dotted line may be divided, or the number of "peaks" of a wavy line; a pair of space-separated values (minimum and maximum, respectively) provides a range between which a rendering system-supplied value may fall, while a single value indicates a fixed amount of space; that is, the minimum and maximum values are equal. One or two values of datatype a positive integer no smaller than 2, separated by a space.
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
lendsym(optional)Symbol rendered at end of line. Value conforms to data.LINESTARTENDSYMBOL.
lendsym.size(optional)Holds the relative size of the line-end symbol. Value conforms to data.FONTSIZESCALE.
lform(optional)Describes the style of a line. Value conforms to data.LINEFORM.
lsegs(optional)Describes the number of segments into which a dashed or dotted line may be divided, or the number of "peaks" of a wavy line; a pair of space-separated values (minimum and maximum, respectively) provides a range between which a rendering system-supplied value may fall, while a single value indicates a fixed amount of space; that is, the minimum and maximum values are equal. One or two values of datatype a positive integer no smaller than 2, separated by a space.
lstartsym(optional)Symbol rendered at start of line. Value conforms to data.LINESTARTENDSYMBOL.
lstartsym.size(optional)Holds the relative size of the line-start symbol. Value conforms to data.FONTSIZESCALE.
lwidth(optional)Width of a line. Value conforms to data.LINEWIDTH.
Available at
attaccaAn instruction to begin the next section or movement of a composition without pause.
dirAn instruction expressed as a combination of text and symbols, typically above, below, or between staves, but not on the staff — that is not encoded elsewhere in more specific elements, like tempo, dynam or repeatMark.
dynamIndication of the volume of a note, phrase, or section of music.
fSingle element of a figured bass indication.
fingAn individual finger in a fingering indication.
fingGrpA group of individual fingers in a fingering indication.
harmAn indication of harmony, e.g., chord names, tablature grids, harmonic analysis, figured bass.
octaveAn indication that a passage should be performed one or more octaves above or below its written pitch.
repeatMark An instruction expressed as a combination of text and symbols – segno and coda – typically above, below, or between staves, but not on the staff.
tempoText and symbols descriptive of tempo, mood, or style, e.g., "allarg.", "a tempo", "cantabile", "Moderato", "♩=60", "Moderato ♩ =60").
trillRapid alternation of a note with another (usually at the interval of a second above).
bracketSpanMarks a sequence of notational events grouped by a bracket.
endingAlternative ending for a repeated passage of music; i.e., prima volta, seconda volta, etc.
glissA continuous or sliding movement from one pitch to another, usually indicated by a straight or wavy line.
pedalPiano pedal mark.
Common Music Notation (CMN) repertoire component declarations.
attaccaAn instruction to begin the next section or movement of a composition without pause.
bracketSpanMarks a sequence of notational events grouped by a bracket.
glissA continuous or sliding movement from one pitch to another, usually indicated by a straight or wavy line.
octaveAn indication that a passage should be performed one or more octaves above or below its written pitch.
pedalPiano pedal mark.
repeatMark An instruction expressed as a combination of text and symbols – segno and coda – typically above, below, or between staves, but not on the staff.
CMN ornament component declarations.
trillRapid alternation of a note with another (usually at the interval of a second above).
Fingering component declarations.
fingAn individual finger in a fingering indication.
fingGrpA group of individual fingers in a fingering indication.
Harmony component declarations.
fSingle element of a figured bass indication.
harmAn indication of harmony, e.g., chord names, tablature grids, harmonic analysis, figured bass.
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
dirAn instruction expressed as a combination of text and symbols, typically above, below, or between staves, but not on the staff — that is not encoded elsewhere in more specific elements, like tempo, dynam or repeatMark.
dynamIndication of the volume of a note, phrase, or section of music.
endingAlternative ending for a repeated passage of music; i.e., prima volta, seconda volta, etc.
tempoText and symbols descriptive of tempo, mood, or style, e.g., "allarg.", "a tempo", "cantabile", "Moderato", "♩=60", "Moderato ♩ =60").
<classSpec ident="att.lineRend" module="MEI.shared" type="atts">
<desc xml:lang="en">Attributes that record the visual rendition of lines.</desc>
<memberOf key="att.lineRend.base"/>
<!-- additional visual characteristics of the line -->
<attDef ident="lendsym" usage="opt">
<gloss versionDate="2022-11-11" xml:lang="en">line end symbol</gloss>
<desc xml:lang="en">Symbol rendered at end of line.</desc>
<rng:ref name="data.LINESTARTENDSYMBOL"/>
<attDef ident="lendsym.size" usage="opt">
<desc xml:lang="en">Holds the relative size of the line-end symbol.</desc>
<rng:ref name="data.FONTSIZESCALE"/>
<attDef ident="lstartsym" usage="opt">
<gloss versionDate="2022-11-11" xml:lang="en">line start symbol</gloss>
<desc xml:lang="en">Symbol rendered at start of line.</desc>
<rng:ref name="data.LINESTARTENDSYMBOL"/>
<attDef ident="lstartsym.size" usage="opt">
<desc xml:lang="en">Holds the relative size of the line-start symbol.</desc>
<rng:ref name="data.FONTSIZESCALE"/>