
Gestural domain attributes.
dots.ges, dur.ges, dur.metrical, dur.ppq, dur.real, dur.recip, tstamp2.ges, tstamp2.real
dots.ges(optional)Number of dots required for a gestural duration when different from that of the written duration. Value conforms to data.AUGMENTDOT.
dur.ges(optional)Records performed duration information that differs from the written duration. Value conforms to data.DURATION.GESTURAL.
dur.metrical(optional)Duration as a count of units provided in the time signature denominator. Value is a decimal number.
dur.ppq(optional)Duration recorded as pulses-per-quarter note, e.g., MIDI clicks or MusicXML divisions. Value is a positive integer, including 0.
dur.real(optional)Duration in seconds, e.g., 1.732. Value is a decimal number.
dur.recip(optional)Duration as an optionally dotted Humdrum **recip value. Value is a token.
tstamp2.ges(optional)Encodes the ending point of an event, i.e., a count of measures plus a beat location in the ending measure. Value conforms to data.MEASUREBEAT.
tstamp2.real(optional)Records the ending point of an event in terms of ISO time. Value conforms to data.ISOTIME.
(MEI.gestural) Attributes that record performed duration that differs from a feature’s written duration.
dur.ges(optional)Records performed duration information that differs from the written duration. Value conforms to data.DURATION.GESTURAL.
dots.ges(optional)Number of dots required for a gestural duration when different from that of the written duration. Value conforms to data.AUGMENTDOT.
dur.metrical(optional)Duration as a count of units provided in the time signature denominator. Value is a decimal number.
dur.ppq(optional)Duration recorded as pulses-per-quarter note, e.g., MIDI clicks or MusicXML divisions. Value is a positive integer, including 0.
dur.real(optional)Duration in seconds, e.g., 1.732. Value is a decimal number.
dur.recip(optional)Duration as an optionally dotted Humdrum **recip value. Value is a token.
(MEI.gestural) Attributes that record a performed (as opposed to notated) time stamp for the end of an event.
tstamp2.ges(optional)Encodes the ending point of an event, i.e., a count of measures plus a beat location in the ending measure. Value conforms to data.MEASUREBEAT.
tstamp2.real(optional)Records the ending point of an event in terms of ISO time. Value conforms to data.ISOTIME.
Gestural component declarations.
dots.ges(optional)Number of dots required for a gestural duration when different from that of the written duration. Value conforms to data.AUGMENTDOT.
dur.ges(optional)Records performed duration information that differs from the written duration. Value conforms to data.DURATION.GESTURAL.
dur.metrical(optional)Duration as a count of units provided in the time signature denominator. Value is a decimal number.
dur.ppq(optional)Duration recorded as pulses-per-quarter note, e.g., MIDI clicks or MusicXML divisions. Value is a positive integer, including 0.
dur.real(optional)Duration in seconds, e.g., 1.732. Value is a decimal number.
dur.recip(optional)Duration as an optionally dotted Humdrum **recip value. Value is a token.
tstamp2.ges(optional)Encodes the ending point of an event, i.e., a count of measures plus a beat location in the ending measure. Value conforms to data.MEASUREBEAT.
tstamp2.real(optional)Records the ending point of an event in terms of ISO time. Value conforms to data.ISOTIME.
Available at
fingGrpA group of individual fingers in a fingering indication.
Fingering component declarations.
fingGrpA group of individual fingers in a fingering indication.
<classSpec ident="att.fingGrp.ges" module="MEI.gestural" type="atts">
<desc xml:lang="en">Gestural domain attributes.</desc>
<memberOf key="att.duration.ges"/>
<memberOf key="att.timestamp2.ges"/>