Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) markup may be used when allowed by the graphicLike model.
The startid attribute may be used to hold a reference to the first feature occurring on this surface.
The model of this element is based on the surface element of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI).
<elementSpec ident="surface" module="MEI.facsimile">
<desc xml:lang="en">Defines a writing surface in terms of a rectangular coordinate space, optionally grouping
one or more graphic representations of that space, and rectangular zones of interest
<memberOf key="att.common"/>
<memberOf key="att.coordinated"/>
<memberOf key="att.dataPointing"/>
<memberOf key="att.metadataPointing"/>
<memberOf key="att.startId"/>
<remarks xml:lang="en">
<p>Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) markup may be used when allowed by the graphicLike
<p>The <att>startid</att> attribute may be used to hold a reference to the first feature
occurring on this surface.</p>
<remarks xml:lang="en">
<p>The model of this element is based on the <ref target="">surface</ref> element of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI).</p>