The proport element is provided for the encoding of mensural notation. It allows the description of note durations as arithmetic ratios. While mensuration refers to the normal relationships between note durations, proportion affects the relations of the note durations to the tactus.
<elementSpec ident="proport" module="MEI.mensural">
<gloss versionDate="2022-05-18" xml:lang="en">proportion</gloss>
<desc xml:lang="en">Description of note duration as arithmetic ratio.</desc>
<memberOf key="att.common"/>
<memberOf key="att.facsimile"/>
<memberOf key="att.proport.log"/>
<memberOf key="att.proport.vis"/>
<memberOf key="att.proport.ges"/>
<memberOf key="att.proport.anl"/>
<memberOf key="model.eventLike.mensural"/>
<memberOf key="model.staffDefPart.mensural"/>
<remarks xml:lang="en">
<p>The proport element is provided for the encoding of mensural notation. It allows the
description of note durations as arithmetic ratios. While mensuration refers to the
relationships between note durations, proportion affects the relations of the note
to the tactus.</p>