
Logical domain attributes.
form(optional)Identifies the different kinds of division. Allowed values are: "caesura" , "finalis" , "maior" , "maxima" , "minima" , "virgula"
form(optional)Identifies the different kinds of division. Allowed values are: "caesura" , "finalis" , "maior" , "maxima" , "minima" , "virgula"
Neume repertoire component declarations.
form(optional)Identifies the different kinds of division. Allowed values are: "caesura" , "finalis" , "maior" , "maxima" , "minima" , "virgula"
Available at
divLineRepresents a division (divisio) in neume notation. Divisions indicate short, medium, or long pauses similar to breath marks in modern notation.
Neume repertoire component declarations.
divLineRepresents a division (divisio) in neume notation. Divisions indicate short, medium, or long pauses similar to breath marks in modern notation.
<classSpec ident="att.divLine.log" module="MEI.neumes" type="atts">
<desc xml:lang="en">Logical domain attributes.</desc>
<attDef ident="form" usage="opt">
<desc xml:lang="en">Identifies the different kinds of division.</desc>
<datatype maxOccurs="unbounded">
<rng:data type="NMTOKEN"/>
<valList type="semi">
<valItem ident="caesura"/>
<valItem ident="finalis"/>
<valItem ident="maior"/>
<valItem ident="maxima"/>
<valItem ident="minima"/>
<valItem ident="virgula"/>