
Analytical domain attributes.
join(optional)Used for linking visually separate entities that form a single logical entity, for example, multiple slurs broken across a system break that form a single musical phrase. Also used to indicate a measure which metrically completes the current one. Record the identifiers of the separately encoded components, excluding the one carrying the attribute. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
(MEI.shared) Attributes indicating that elements are semantically linked; that is, while the parts are encoded separately, together they may be thought of as a single intellectual object.
join(optional)Used for linking visually separate entities that form a single logical entity, for example, multiple slurs broken across a system break that form a single musical phrase. Also used to indicate a measure which metrically completes the current one. Record the identifiers of the separately encoded components, excluding the one carrying the attribute. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
join(optional)Used for linking visually separate entities that form a single logical entity, for example, multiple slurs broken across a system break that form a single musical phrase. Also used to indicate a measure which metrically completes the current one. Record the identifiers of the separately encoded components, excluding the one carrying the attribute. One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
Available at
slurIndication of 1) a "unified melodic idea" or 2) performance technique.
slurIndication of 1) a "unified melodic idea" or 2) performance technique.
<classSpec ident="att.slur.anl" module="MEI.analytical" type="atts">
<desc>Analytical domain attributes.</desc>
<memberOf key="att.joined"/>