
Visual domain attributes.
folium(optional)States the side of a leaf (as in a manuscript) on which the content following the pb element occurs. Allowed values are: "verso" (The back of a manuscript page.), "recto" (The front of a manuscript page.)
folium(optional)States the side of a leaf (as in a manuscript) on which the content following the pb element occurs. Allowed values are: "verso" (The back of a manuscript page.), "recto" (The front of a manuscript page.)
Visual component declarations.
folium(optional)States the side of a leaf (as in a manuscript) on which the content following the pb element occurs. Allowed values are: "verso" (The back of a manuscript page.), "recto" (The front of a manuscript page.)
Available at
pb(page beginning) – An empty formatting element that forces text to begin on a new page.
pb(page beginning) – An empty formatting element that forces text to begin on a new page.
<classSpec ident="att.pb.vis" module="MEI.visual" type="atts">
<desc>Visual domain attributes.</desc>
<attList org="group">
<attDef ident="folium" usage="opt">
<desc>States the side of a leaf (as in a manuscript) on which the content following the
<gi scheme="MEI">pb</gi>
element occurs.</desc>
<valList type="closed">
<valItem ident="verso">
<desc>The back of a manuscript page.</desc>
<valItem ident="recto">
<desc>The front of a manuscript page.</desc>