deg(optional)Captures scale degree information using Humdrum **deg syntax -- an optional indicator
of melodic approach (^ = ascending approach, v = descending approach), a scale degree
value (1 = tonic ... 7 = leading tone), and an optional indication of chromatic
alteration, "1", "v7", "^1", or "v5+", for example. The amount of chromatic alternation
not indicated.
Value conforms to data.SCALEDEGREE.
intm(optional)Encodes the melodic interval from the previous pitch. The value may be a general
directional indication (u, d, s, etc.), an indication of diatonic interval direction,
quality, and size, or a precise numeric value in half steps.
Value conforms to data.INTERVAL.MELODIC.
mfunc(optional)Describes melodic function using Humdrum **embel syntax.
Value conforms to data.MELODICFUNCTION.
pclass(optional)Holds pitch class information.
Value conforms to data.PITCHCLASS.
psolfa(optional)Contains sol-fa designation, e.g., do, re, mi, etc., in either a fixed or movable
Value of datatype NMTOKEN.
(MEI.analytical) Attributes describing the harmonic function of a single pitch.
deg(optional)Captures scale degree information using Humdrum **deg syntax -- an optional indicator
of melodic approach (^ = ascending approach, v = descending approach), a scale degree
value (1 = tonic ... 7 = leading tone), and an optional indication of chromatic
alteration, "1", "v7", "^1", or "v5+", for example. The amount of chromatic alternation
not indicated.
Value conforms to data.SCALEDEGREE.
(MEI.analytical) Attributes that provide for description of intervallic content.
intm(optional)Encodes the melodic interval from the previous pitch. The value may be a general
directional indication (u, d, s, etc.), an indication of diatonic interval direction,
quality, and size, or a precise numeric value in half steps.
Value conforms to data.INTERVAL.MELODIC.
mfunc(optional)Describes melodic function using Humdrum **embel syntax.
Value conforms to data.MELODICFUNCTION.
(MEI.analytical) Attributes that describe pitch class.
pclass(optional)Holds pitch class information.
Value conforms to data.PITCHCLASS.
(MEI.analytical) Attributes that specify pitch using sol-fa.
psolfa(optional)Contains sol-fa designation, e.g., do, re, mi, etc., in either a fixed or movable
Value of datatype NMTOKEN.
Analytical component declarations.
deg(optional)Captures scale degree information using Humdrum **deg syntax -- an optional indicator
of melodic approach (^ = ascending approach, v = descending approach), a scale degree
value (1 = tonic ... 7 = leading tone), and an optional indication of chromatic
alteration, "1", "v7", "^1", or "v5+", for example. The amount of chromatic alternation
not indicated.
Value conforms to data.SCALEDEGREE.
intm(optional)Encodes the melodic interval from the previous pitch. The value may be a general
directional indication (u, d, s, etc.), an indication of diatonic interval direction,
quality, and size, or a precise numeric value in half steps.
Value conforms to data.INTERVAL.MELODIC.
mfunc(optional)Describes melodic function using Humdrum **embel syntax.
Value conforms to data.MELODICFUNCTION.
pclass(optional)Holds pitch class information.
Value conforms to data.PITCHCLASS.
psolfa(optional)Contains sol-fa designation, e.g., do, re, mi, etc., in either a fixed or movable
Value of datatype NMTOKEN.