
Logical domain attributes.
count, sym, unit
count(optional)Captures the number of beats in a measure, that is, the top number of the meter signature. It must contain a decimal number or an additive expression that evaluates to a decimal number, such as 2+3. Value of datatype a string matching the following regular expression: "\d+(\.\d+)?(\s*\+\s*\d+(\.\d+)?)*" .
sym(optional)Indicates the use of a meter symbol instead of a numeric meter signature, that is, 'C' for common time or 'C' with a slash for cut time. Value conforms to data.METERSIGN.
unit(optional)Contains the number indicating the beat unit, that is, the bottom number of the meter signature. Value of datatype decimal.
count(optional)Captures the number of beats in a measure, that is, the top number of the meter signature. It must contain a decimal number or an additive expression that evaluates to a decimal number, such as 2+3. Value of datatype a string matching the following regular expression: "\d+(\.\d+)?(\s*\+\s*\d+(\.\d+)?)*" .
sym(optional)Indicates the use of a meter symbol instead of a numeric meter signature, that is, 'C' for common time or 'C' with a slash for cut time. Value conforms to data.METERSIGN.
unit(optional)Contains the number indicating the beat unit, that is, the bottom number of the meter signature. Value of datatype decimal.
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
count(optional)Captures the number of beats in a measure, that is, the top number of the meter signature. It must contain a decimal number or an additive expression that evaluates to a decimal number, such as 2+3. Value of datatype a string matching the following regular expression: "\d+(\.\d+)?(\s*\+\s*\d+(\.\d+)?)*" .
sym(optional)Indicates the use of a meter symbol instead of a numeric meter signature, that is, 'C' for common time or 'C' with a slash for cut time. Value conforms to data.METERSIGN.
unit(optional)Contains the number indicating the beat unit, that is, the bottom number of the meter signature. Value of datatype decimal.
Available at
meterCaptures information about the time signature within bibliographic descriptions.
meterSig(meter signature) – Written meter signature.
meterSig(meter signature) – Written meter signature.
meterCaptures information about the time signature within bibliographic descriptions.
<classSpec ident="att.meterSig.log" module="MEI.shared" type="atts">
<desc>Logical domain attributes.</desc>
<attList org="group">
<attDef ident="count" usage="opt">
<desc>Captures the number of beats in a measure, that is, the top number of the meter signature. It must contain a decimal number or an additive expression that evaluates to a decimal number, such as 2+3.</desc>
<datatype maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<rng:data type="string">
<rng:param name="pattern">
<attDef ident="sym" usage="opt">
<desc>Indicates the use of a meter symbol instead of a numeric meter signature, that is, 'C' for common time or 'C' with a slash for cut time.</desc>
<datatype maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<rng:ref name="data.METERSIGN" />
<attDef ident="unit" usage="opt">
<desc>Contains the number indicating the beat unit, that is, the bottom number of the meter signature.</desc>
<datatype maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<rng:data type="decimal"/>