
Attributes that provide for description of intervallic content.
inth, intm
inth(optional)Encodes the harmonic interval between pitches occurring at the same time. One or more values from data.INTERVAL.HARMONIC, separated by spaces.
intm(optional)Encodes the melodic interval from the previous pitch. The value may be a general directional indication (u, d, s, etc.), an indication of diatonic interval direction, quality, and size, or a precise numeric value in half steps. Value conforms to data.INTERVAL.MELODIC.
(MEI.analytical) Attributes that describe harmonic intervals.
inth(optional)Encodes the harmonic interval between pitches occurring at the same time. One or more values from data.INTERVAL.HARMONIC, separated by spaces.
(MEI.analytical) Attributes that provide for description of intervallic content.
intm(optional)Encodes the melodic interval from the previous pitch. The value may be a general directional indication (u, d, s, etc.), an indication of diatonic interval direction, quality, and size, or a precise numeric value in half steps. Value conforms to data.INTERVAL.MELODIC.
Analytical component declarations.
inth(optional)Encodes the harmonic interval between pitches occurring at the same time. One or more values from data.INTERVAL.HARMONIC, separated by spaces.
intm(optional)Encodes the melodic interval from the previous pitch. The value may be a general directional indication (u, d, s, etc.), an indication of diatonic interval direction, quality, and size, or a precise numeric value in half steps. Value conforms to data.INTERVAL.MELODIC.
<classSpec ident="att.intervallicDesc" module="MEI.analytical" type="atts">
<desc>Attributes that provide for description of intervallic content.</desc>
<memberOf key="att.intervalHarmonic"/>
<memberOf key="att.intervalMelodic"/>