
Attributes that describe "cue-ness".
cue(optional) Value conforms to data.BOOLEAN.
cue(optional) Value conforms to data.BOOLEAN.
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
cue(optional) Value conforms to data.BOOLEAN.
Available at
mRest(measure rest) – Complete measure rest in any meter.
chordA simultaneous sounding of two or more notes in the same layer *with the same duration*.
noteA single pitched event.
restA non-sounding event found in the source being transcribed.
beamA container for a series of explicitly beamed events that begins and ends entirely within a measure.
beamSpan(beam span) – Alternative element for explicitly encoding beams, particularly those which extend across bar lines.
mRest(measure rest) – Complete measure rest in any meter.
beamA container for a series of explicitly beamed events that begins and ends entirely within a measure.
beamSpan(beam span) – Alternative element for explicitly encoding beams, particularly those which extend across bar lines.
chordA simultaneous sounding of two or more notes in the same layer *with the same duration*.
noteA single pitched event.
restA non-sounding event found in the source being transcribed.
<classSpec ident="att.cue" module="MEI.shared" type="atts">
<desc>Attributes that describe "cue-ness".</desc>
<attList org="group">
<attDef ident="cue" usage="opt">
<datatype maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<rng:ref name="data.BOOLEAN" />