
Visual domain attributes for chord. The slur, slur.dir, slur.rend, tie, tie.dir, and tie.rend attributes here are "syntactic sugar" for these attributes on each of the chord's individual notes. The values here apply to all the notes in the chord. If some notes are slurred or tied while others aren't, then the individual note attributes must be used.
breaksec(optional)Presence of this attribute indicates that the secondary beam should be broken following this note/chord. The value of the attribute records the number of beams which should remain unbroken. Value of datatype positiveInteger.
(MEI.cmn) Attributes that capture information about secondary beaming.
breaksec(optional)Presence of this attribute indicates that the secondary beam should be broken following this note/chord. The value of the attribute records the number of beams which should remain unbroken. Value of datatype positiveInteger.
Common Music Notation (CMN) repertoire component declarations.
breaksec(optional)Presence of this attribute indicates that the secondary beam should be broken following this note/chord. The value of the attribute records the number of beams which should remain unbroken. Value of datatype positiveInteger.
Available at
chordA simultaneous sounding of two or more notes in the same layer *with the same duration*.
chordA simultaneous sounding of two or more notes in the same layer *with the same duration*.
<classSpec ident="att.chord.vis.cmn" module="MEI.cmn" type="atts">
<desc>Visual domain attributes for chord. The slur, slur.dir, slur.rend, tie, tie.dir, and tie.rend attributes here are "syntactic sugar" for these attributes on each of the chord's individual notes. The values here apply to all the notes in the chord. If some notes are slurred or tied while others aren't, then the individual note attributes must be used.</desc>
<memberOf key="att.beamSecondary"/>