@begin(optional)Specifies a point where the relevant content begins. A numerical value must be less
and a time value must be earlier than that given by the end attribute.
Value is plain text.
@betype(optional)Type of values used in the begin/end attributes. The begin and end attributes can
only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with this attribute.
Value conforms to data.BETYPE.
@data(optional)Used to link metadata elements to one or more data-containing elements.
One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
@decls(optional)Identifies one or more metadata elements within the header, which are understood to
apply to the element bearing this attribute and its content.
One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces.
@end(optional)Specifies a point where the relevant content ends. If not specified, the end of the
content is assumed to be the end point. A numerical value must be greater and a time
value must be later than that given by the begin attribute.
Value is plain text.
@label(optional)Provides a name or label for an element. The value may be any string.
Value of datatype string.
@n(optional)Provides a number-like designation for an element.
Value conforms to token.
@startid(optional)Holds a reference to the first element in a sequence of events to which the feature
Value conforms to data.URI.
@xml:base(optional)Provides a base URI reference with which applications can resolve relative URI
references into absolute URI references.
Value conforms to data.URI.
@xml:id(optional)Regularizes the naming of an element and thus facilitates building links between it
and other resources. Each id attribute within a document must have a unique
Value of datatype ID.