
Attributes the address whitespacing processing.
Module MEI.shared
extMeta, incipCode, rend (direct members of att.whitespace)
@xml:space(optional)Allows one to signal to an application whether an element's white space is "significant". The behavior of xml:space cascades to all descendant elements, but it can be turned off locally by setting the xml:space attribute to the value "default". Allowed values are: "default" (Allows the application to handle white space as necessary. Not including an xml:space attribute produces the same result as using the default value.), "preserve" (Instructs the application to maintain white space "as-is", suggesting that it might have meaning.)att.whitespace
<attDef ident="xml:space" usage="opt">
<desc>Allows one to signal to an application whether an element's white space is "significant". The behavior of xml:space cascades to all descendant elements, but it can be turned off locally by setting the xml:space attribute to the value "default".</desc>
<valList type="closed">
<valItem ident="default">
<desc>Allows the application to handle white space as necessary. Not including an xml:space attribute produces the same result as using the default value.</desc>
<valItem ident="preserve">
<desc>Instructs the application to maintain white space "as-is", suggesting that it might have meaning.</desc>