
Logical domain attributes.
Module MEI.cmnOrnaments
turn (direct member of att.turn.log)
@accidlower(optional)Records the written accidental associated with a lower neighboring note. Value conforms to data.ACCIDENTAL.EXPLICIT. att.ornamentaccid
@accidupper(optional)Records the written accidental associated with an upper neighboring note. Value conforms to data.ACCIDENTAL.EXPLICIT. att.ornamentaccid
@delayed(optional)When the delayed attribute is set to 'true', the turn begins on the second half of the beat. See Read, p. 246. Value conforms to data.BOOLEAN. att.turn.log
@evaluate(optional)Specifies the intended meaning when a participant in a relationship is itself a pointer. Allowed values are: "all" (If an element pointed to is itself a pointer, then the target of that pointer will be taken, and so on, until an element is found which is not a pointer.), "one" (If an element pointed to is itself a pointer, then its target (whether a pointer or not) is taken as the target of this pointer.), "none" (No further evaluation of targets is carried out beyond that needed to find the element(s) specified in plist or target attribute.)att.targeteval
@form(optional)Indicates the style of the turn. Allowed values are: "inv" (Inverted turn, e.g., begins on the note below the written note.), "norm" ("normal" turn, e.g., begins on the note above the written note.)att.turn.log
@layer(optional)Identifies the layer to which a feature applies. One or more values of datatype positiveInteger, separated by spaces. att.layerident
@plist(optional)Contains a space separated list of references that identify active participants in a collection/relationship, such as notes under a phrase mark; that is, the entities pointed "from". One or more values from data.URI, separated by spaces. att.plist
@staff(optional)Signifies the staff on which a notated event occurs or to which a control event applies. Mandatory when applicable. One or more values of datatype positiveInteger, separated by spaces. att.staffident
@startid(optional)Holds a reference to the first element in a sequence of events to which the feature applies. Value conforms to data.URI. att.startid
@tstamp(optional)Encodes the onset time in terms of musical time, i.e., beats[.fractional_beat_part]. Value conforms to data.BEAT. att.timestamp.musical
@tstamp.ges(optional)Captures performed onset time in several forms; that is, ppq (MIDI clicks and MusicXML 'divisions'), Humdrum **recip values, beats, seconds, or mensural duration values. Value conforms to data.DURATION.gestural. att.timestamp.performed
@tstamp.real(optional)Used to record the onset time in terms of ISO time. Value conforms to data.ISOTIME. att.timestamp.performed
<memberOf key="att.controlevent"/>
<memberOf key="att.ornamentaccid"/>
<memberOf key="att.startid"/>
<attDef ident="delayed" usage="opt">
<desc>When the delayed attribute is set to 'true', the turn begins on the second half of the beat. See Read, p. 246.</desc>
<datatype maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
<rng:ref name="data.BOOLEAN" />
<attDef ident="form" usage="opt">
<desc>Indicates the style of the turn.</desc>
<valList type="closed">
<valItem ident="inv">
<desc>Inverted turn, e.g., begins on the note below the written note.</desc>
<valItem ident="norm">
<desc>"normal" turn, e.g., begins on the note above the written note.</desc>