
Attributes that permit total duration to be represented by multiple values.
Module MEI.shared
@dur(optional)Records duration using optionally dotted, relative durational values provided by the data.DURATION datatype. When the duration is "irrational", as is sometimes the case with tuplets, multiple space-separated values that add up to the total duration may be used. When dotted values are present, the dots attribute must be ignored. One or more values from data.DURATION.additive, separated by spaces. att.duration.additive
<attDef ident="dur" usage="opt">
<desc>Records duration using optionally dotted, relative durational values provided by the data.DURATION datatype. When the duration is "irrational", as is sometimes the case with tuplets, multiple space-separated values that add up to the total duration may be used. When dotted values are present, the dots attribute must be ignored.</desc>
<datatype maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="1">
<rng:ref name="data.DURATION.additive" />
<constraintSpec ident="ignore_dots_attribute" scheme="isoschematron">
<sch:rule context="mei:*[contains(@dur, '.')]">
<sch:assert test="not(@dots)">An element with a dur attribute that contains dotted values must not have a dots attribute.</sch:assert>
An element with a dur attribute that contains dotted values must not have a dots attribute.
<sch:rule context="mei:*[contains(@dur, '.')]">
<sch:assert test="not(@dots)">An element with a dur attribute that contains dotted values must not have a dots attribute.</sch:assert>