
Groups elements that may appear as part of a textual variant.
Member of
model.rdgPartGroups elements that may appear as part of a textual or musical variant.
Component declarations that are shared between two or more modules.
model.textComponentLikeGroups block-level text elements.
model.textPhraseLike.limitedGroups textual elements that occur at the level of individual words or phrases. This class is equivalent to the model.textPhraseLike class without the pb element.
Contained By
(MEI.critapp) Groups elements that may appear as part of a textual variant.
(MEI.critapp) Groups elements that may appear as part of a textual or musical variant.
lemContains the lemma, or base text, of a textual variation.
rdgContains a single reading within a textual variation.
Critical apparatus component declarations.
lemContains the lemma, or base text, of a textual variation.
rdgContains a single reading within a textual variation.
<classSpec ident="model.rdgPart.text" module="MEI.critapp" type="model">
<desc xml:lang="en">Groups elements that may appear as part of a textual variant.</desc>
<memberOf key="model.rdgPart"/>